Censorship has died! long live censorship!

Алишер Таксанов: литературный дневник

Technical "Copperfields" of Uzbek ISPs make focuses with some web sites.

Already you can surprise nobody that the Uzbek companies providing to the population and the enterprises service of the Internet and an e-mail, began to carry out technical censorship of some political web sites hosted abroad where the information on Uzbekistan is published.

All over again blocking of objectionable sites was carried out as inscriptions: "mistake", "the server is not found", "the page is not found". "Novelties" have then appeared. For example, Tashkent based provider "UzSayNet", blocking any article on the popular portal http://www.centrasia.ru/, exposes the main menu of this site. As a rule, the way to those publications in which is spoken about infringements of human rights, is blocked or criticism of present system and the supreme officials of the country contains.

Besides with "UzSayNet" censorship is carried out by the company "Sarkor". By a call of foreign sites Navigator, Free Asia, and also sites of the party Erk (Freedom), forbidden in Uzbekistan and local journalists rights protection organization Ozod Ovoz (Free Voice) there is an idle search system.

Thus, dozens of interesting articles, including exposing a mode and officials, are latent for many Uzbekistanis and foreigners, temporarily living in our country. The situation has reached the level that some foreign structures have made the protest. In particular, the Embassy of France in Tashkent has demanded explanations from provider, whose services it uses. After that provider was compelled to unblock for diplomats access to some Internet publications.

Certainly, there will be ways to bypass and these interdictions. And again opponents of freedom of speech will search for means to muffle the truth. Probably, this struggle will proceed until the country does not become really free. Only hardly to this will be pleased "Copperfields" from the ISPs and corrupt officials.

Author's note: David Copperfield is the known conjurer from USA

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