Анатолий Бурый - полученные рецензии

Рецензия на «Душа ChatGPT» (Анатолий Бурый)

Новая версия ChatGPT удивила концовкой:
Greg was not a cruel person, but he had a curious streak that sometimes got him into trouble. He liked to experiment with different things, especially anything that had to do with the paranormal. He had a collection of books, gadgets, and artifacts that he claimed could help him explore the mysteries of the universe. Most of them were harmless, if not useless, but some of them were dangerous, if not illegal.

One of his latest acquisitions was a device that looked like a metal detector, but was supposed to be able to detect and extract souls. Greg had bought it from a shady online seller who claimed it was a prototype from a secret government project. Greg was skeptical, but he couldn't resist the temptation to try it out. He paid a hefty sum for it, and waited eagerly for it to arrive.

Greg decided to test the device on a roadkill he found on his way home from work. It was a raccoon that had been hit by a car, and was lying on the side of the road, its eyes glazed and its fur matted with blood. Greg parked his car nearby, and took out the device. He turned it on, and pointed it at the raccoon. The device beeped and flashed, indicating that it had detected a soul. Greg pressed a button, and a thin beam of light shot out from the device, hitting the raccoon's chest. Greg watched in fascination as the beam seemed to pull something out of the raccoon's body. It was a faint, wispy shape, vaguely resembling the animal, but translucent and glowing. Greg felt a surge of excitement as he realized he had just extracted a soul.

He moved the device closer to his face, and examined the soul. It looked like a tiny, fragile ball of light, floating in the air. Greg wondered what it would feel like, what it would taste like. He opened his mouth, and bit into the soul. He expected to feel nothing, or maybe a slight tingling, but instead he felt a burst of flavor and sensation. It was like eating a piece of candy, but better. It was sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and umami all at once. It was warm, cold, soft, hard, smooth, and rough all at once. It was joy, sorrow, fear, anger, love, and hate all at once. It was the essence of life, and it filled Greg with a euphoria he had never felt before. He swallowed the soul, and felt a rush of energy and power. He wanted more.

He looked around, and saw a squirrel running across the road. He aimed the device at it, and pressed the button. The beam hit the squirrel, and it squeaked in pain. It fell to the ground, twitching and convulsing. Greg saw its soul emerge from its body, and he quickly bit into it. It was similar to the raccoon's soul, but smaller and less satisfying. He swallowed it, and felt a slight increase in his euphoria. He wanted more.

He scanned the area, looking for more souls to devour. He saw a bird flying overhead, a dog barking in a yard, a cat napping on a porch. He tried to hit them with the beam, but they were too fast or too far away. He cursed, and felt a pang of frustration. He wanted more.

He got back into his car, and drove away. He decided to go to a more populated place, where he could find more souls to feed on. He didn't care if they were human or not, he just wanted to taste them, to feel them, to consume them. He was addicted to souls.

He drove to the city center, where he saw crowds of people walking, talking, laughing, living. He felt a surge of hunger and greed. He parked his car in a no-parking zone, and got out with his device. He walked among the people, pretending to be a normal pedestrian, but secretly aiming the device at them. He pressed the button, and hit a woman with the beam. She gasped, and clutched her chest. She looked around, confused and scared. She didn't see Greg, who had already bitten into her soul. It was different from the animal souls. It was bigger, more complex, more diverse. It had more flavors, more sensations, more emotions. It was delicious, and it made Greg feel ecstatic. He swallowed the soul, and felt a surge of energy and power. He wanted more.

He hit a man with the beam, and bit into his soul. He hit a child with the beam, and bit into his soul. He hit an old lady with the beam, and bit into her soul. He hit a teenager with the beam, and bit into her soul. He hit a cop with the beam, and bit into his soul. He didn't care who they were, what they did, how they felt. He just wanted their souls, and he took them. He felt a wave of euphoria and power. He wanted more.

He was about to hit another person with the beam, when he heard a siren behind him. He turned around, and saw another cop car pulling up next to his car. He realized he had been spotted, and he had to get away. He ran to his car, but the cop got out and chased him. He shouted at Greg to stop, and drew his gun. Greg reached his car, and opened the door. He threw the device inside, and tried to get in. The cop caught up with him, and grabbed his arm. He tried to pull Greg out of the car, and pointed the gun at his head. He told Greg to drop the device, and put his hands behind his head. Greg panicked, and felt a surge of anger and fear. He wanted to escape, and he wanted to hurt the cop. He remembered the device, and had an idea. He reached for the device, and pressed the button. He aimed the beam at the cop's chest, and hit him with it. The cop screamed, and let go of Greg. He fell to the ground, writhing and moaning. Greg saw his soul emerge from his body, and he bit into it. It was bitter, and it made Greg feel sick. He spat it out, and felt a wave of disgust and guilt. He realized what he had done, and he felt a pang of remorse. He didn't want to hurt anyone, he didn't want to kill anyone. He wanted to stop.

He got into his car, and drove away. He left the device behind, and hoped that no one would find it. He hoped that no one would know what he had done. He hoped that he could forget what he had done. He hoped that he could overcome his addiction to souls. He hoped that he could be normal again. He hoped that he could be forgiven. He hoped that he could be human again.

Анатолий Бурый   22.07.2023 10:43     Заявить о нарушении
Рецензия на «я?» (Анатолий Бурый)

Не собиралась писать, памятуя о "петУшке и кукухЕ") Но вот, пишу, перечитав несколько раз.

Долго выбирала приличное первое слово: апупеть, абалдеть, афигеть..., в общем, ну, вау!
(Даже, если бы было только про "новую жизнь" и связанный с ней букет неожиданных чувств, уже классно)

Но вот баг с загрузкой новой памяти... и самое главное, - пластичность "реальности"/"воспоминаний" в этот момент - слофф нет, как замечательно. И созвучно моим теперешним измышлениям.

Буду заглядывать, с вашего позволения.

Юлия Сереброва   16.02.2023 13:12     Заявить о нарушении
Надеюсь ваша следующая реальность соберется только из хорошего. Этот сайт притягивает людей в нестабильные периоды жизни. Сочинять рассказики дело трудоемкое. Запросто занимает весь вечер. Но это проходит. У мене прошло, по крайней мере.

Анатолий Бурый   18.02.2023 09:27   Заявить о нарушении
Рецензия на «конвергентная эволюция» (Анатолий Бурый)

Браво! Браво! Ни один рассказ не похож в идейном отношении на другой - и всё же прослеживается общее: вера в прогресс, в когнитивность. Я тоже гностик, поэтому всё Ваше мною с удовольствием принимается! Вместе с тем, некоторые биологические и физические термины была вынуждена (за что очень благодарна автору - заставил обучаться!) посмотреть в словарях (простите мне моё невежество, я и не знала, что прогрессивная и конвергентная эволюции - это разные пути развития!). На ваши странички ещё вернусь, не прощаюсь. До встречи!

Светлана Багина   29.07.2010 09:32     Заявить о нарушении
Рецензия на «диагноз психопатия» (Анатолий Бурый)

Под изложенное Вами описание подпадает львиная доля современных политиков ;-)

с уважением

Елена Глущенко   14.08.2009 23:33     Заявить о нарушении
Конечно. Как и большинство других неприятных нам людей. Хотя, я имел в виду очень конкретного человека. Кстати, менее противного, чем, скажем... Ну ладно, а на самом деле это действительно диагноз психопатии, немного адоптированный.

Анатолий Бурый   27.08.2009 12:16   Заявить о нарушении
И, кстати, http://www.compromat.ru/page_26093.htm об одном из современных политиков.

Анатолий Бурый   01.10.2009 06:09   Заявить о нарушении
Рецензия на «бревно» (Анатолий Бурый)

Эта история реальная или выдуманная?

Евгения Лапина   12.08.2009 20:14     Заявить о нарушении
Это очень интересный вопрос. Во-первых, приятно, что эта довольно жёсткая история со смертью и нервным срывом вообще оказалась похожей на правду. Хотя, в жизни и не такое бывает.

Вообще-то, все эти истории из дневника. В них только перепутаны два-три факта, иногда ключевых. Конечно, никто не умирал и даже не собирался.

Активная ненависть не решает проблем, только путает. Не все это понимают, пока не окажутся по уши… Об этом и история.

Анатолий Бурый   12.08.2009 23:18   Заявить о нарушении
Рецензия на «с пузырём Алькубьерре» (Анатолий Бурый)

Прочитал с удовольствием, как и другие вещи у вас! Спасибо за не зря потраченное время!

Дмитрий Федосков   07.08.2009 13:50     Заявить о нарушении