Рецензия на «Благодатских Галина Сергеевна» (Центр Торакальной Хирургии)

Galina Blagodatskikh graduated from the Voronezh Medical Institute in 1957 and worked as an intern at the Orlovka TB Dispensary. In the first years of her work, Galina Sergeyevna passed specialization at the Moscow Research Institute of Tuberculosis in Anesthesiology and Intensive Care. In the 70s, under the direction of experienced surgeons V. I. Kuznik, E. P. Khoteyeva, complex surgical interventions, simultaneous and sequential bilateral resection of the lungs, plastic surgery on the large bronchi and trachea with transsternal and contralateral access to the bronchial stumps, diaphragmoplasty were performed. and many others.
Galina Blagodatsky uses modern methods of neuropanalgesia, endotracheal narco, automatic ventilation of the lungs, sub-narcotic bronchoscopy, single lung intubation through a bronchoscope, direct blood transfusion from donor volunteers, which significantly improved the outcome of complex pulmonary operations.
She passed on her experience to young anaesthesiologists A.N. Kamenev and G.S. Kovaleva.
Practical experience, high professionalism, the highest medical category of anesthesiologist, in-depth knowledge in the tuberculosis clinic, awareness in chest radiology, extensive experience working with leading specialists in phthisiology and general medical network, the ability to work with medical personnel of any rank allowed Galina Blaevatskikh to work with 1977 to continue his career as a deputy chief physician for the medical part. For many years, hand in hand with the most experienced organizer, honored doctor of the RSFSR, chief physician of the tuberculosis dispensary T. T. Anddeeva Galina Blagodatskikh devoted her strength and energy to improving the medical diagnostic service, strengthening the material and technical base of the hospital, developed new divisions - endoscopy, physiotherapy. With her assistance, the clinical diagnostic laboratory is expanding, modern methods of diagnosing and cultivating mycobacteria are being introduced, the main indicators of the effectiveness of treating tuberculosis patients are being improved. Contact is established with the Tuberculosis Research Institute. In the 80s. On the basis of the dispensary, all-Russian, zonal meetings are held on examining people at high risk of the disease, preventing and early detection of tuberculosis in the population and in livestock farms.
Galina Sergeevna - can rightfully be considered the ancestor of phthisio anesthesiology in the Oryol region. She enjoyed authority and respect from staff and patients. As a veteran and a patriot of the Orlovschiny phthisiological service, Galina Sergeevna made a significant contribution to its development.

V.M. Burnashova

Центр Торакальной Хирургии   19.03.2019 17:01     Заявить о нарушении

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