African Reconquista, one more time

Артем Ферье: литературный дневник

Many folks tend to write to me, asking: "Tyoma, why are so crazy bout all these "reconquista" stuff? Yes, we understand that you're a great fan of old African political maps and we also find them rather cute, with all that green and rosy, but do you really believe it to be a good idea, reclaiming Africa? Do you feel it timely? And don't you think we have some more urgent issues for now? BTW, have you ever heard anything about the so called World Crisis?"

Well... That's really nice, how people see a controversy here, between the Crisis thing and the Reconquista thing. By no ways, my dearest friends! These are just two sides of one coin. And let me explain, how it works.

So, the Crisis. To tell the truth, it's a no big deal. Just a mild inconvenience. We know perfectly well how it started - and how it will end up. With some considerable breakthrough in energy, which might seem to be revolutionary at the first glance and prove to be - at the second.

As soon as we disclose some of these "brand-new" nice technologies - the world will change. And here we go! An immediate new boom. Energy becomes much-much cheaper, and industries flourish.
But what then? And then - we'll get the REAL social crisis.
How is it possible? Oh, that's quite simple. By then, we'll face the MOST serious problem of our society in its full force. Namely - the tremendous, disastrous excess of people who by no means can be engaged in "real production". And that will happen not because of "there are too many people on the globe", but because the highest rate of these occupied in "real production" will not exceed some 5% of total population. With those "brand-new" technologies.
And the question will be - what to do with all these "excess" 95%?
Should they all become lawyers? Artists? Bureaucrates? Hardly - "all of them". That would be just way too much.
Or should they live on welfares, as we certainly would be able to afford, having productivity increased so greatly? Well, that's more a social issue rather than purely economical. And there's an opinion, which I share sincerely, that there's no good in breeding more social parasites than we have already.
No, people should be involved in some useful activity in order to be paid for, or they will lose any self-esteem. And that would be cruel.
So, what does it seem to be a way out? The answer is: African Reconquista!

Just imagine, how many colonists, mercenaries, engeneers, builders and so on it would require! And they all will get very deep and precious self-esteem as brave and honest liberators, along with vast property there in Africa and a hell of money.

I've called them "liberators" for now, haven't I? Not "occupants", "conquerors" or "enslavers"? And you find it peculiar?
People, what's wrong with you?
Do you really suppose anybody to officially use such words as "Reconquista" or "Reclamation"? Wake up! We are living in the 21th century! And we don't make wars - just perform "peacekeeping operations". And we don't invade souvereign contries, be it even some phony African shit, just to conquer them and enslave. Certainly not. The scheme will be totally different.

You see, some guy there, which is "our son of a bitch", gains legal political power in his Mumbia-Yumbia (you don't want to know, how) and pleads for our help. Cuz his country lies in ruins, ravaged with a non-stop civil war. And we, being so fucking noble and kind, are willing to give him a hand.
Just that simple, just that decent.

P-s.: And now - the key of the whole plot. Why, do you think, would we promote some Kenyan guy to the Oval office? A guy, who has only three political dignities: i) he is black and of African original; ii) he has such a disturbing kind of name, to american ear, that many decent Americans would vote for him just not to be disturbed with the fact they WERE disturbed by his scary name; iii) he is pretty good at saying pleasant, but empty words, and - he is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.
And the main his dignity is: without our help, without our technologies to be granted to America, this guy would be by far the worst American president in the history.
But we are looking forward to some fruitful cooperation. And we really want him to make some changes. Especially - in foreign affairs. And what for would we "enthrone" a Kenyan in the USA, if not for the African Reconquista? Doesn't it make sense to you? Oh, yeah! He is the last guy to be suspected in some "imperialistic" ambitions. And certainly he has no. All he has is the greatest and noblest desire to stretch a hand of help to our African brothers :-)

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