St. Nicholas help and His word to me

Александр Владимирович Новиков
(перевод с русского языка моего рассказа

Once my wife told me a history about St. Nicholas’ help to a woman being in mortal danger.  Her name was Antonina, she believed in God and she worked together with my wife in a kindergarten.
…During the WWII when the Germans sent the Soviet women with children, old women and old men from Pskov to Germany. In one of these hard days, when she walked along the road under guard, the Soviet planes arisen in the sky and begun to shell people and throw bombs. I do not know the reason, but the bombs hit all people: both the convoy and the prisoners.  All understood that the planes wanted to shell the German vehicles and troops.  In this desperate moment  Antonina prayed St. Nicholas to protect her.  And in the end of it, only 3 or 4 prisoners were alive, and other people were killed or wounded by the planes….She was not even wounded.
But there is continuation of this story. Its my DREAM that I had in the night on 23 May 2015 just after sleeping.
I'm in a place very similar to our Pskov railway station which has three waiting rooms with the  floors from marble and granite, and I appeal to people:
- Listen to one word from me, I beg of you!
Some people pay attention to me, but there are another who get up and leave.
I go to all these  three halls and ask people to gather in one room. And I say to them:
- Listen to my one word, I won't take time.
I kneel down and say: People, pray for my son Oleg…
At the exit of the railway station I notice a reclining old man. I lean towards him and see that he has a gray beard, gray hair and his eyes are open. He is in rich brocade clothes of different colors: white, red, golden. It has folds and these folds became alive and very reminiscent of mountains, and I see that this white color is a flowing white milk.. He speaks to me in a thunderous voice. :
I look at him and I do not understand.
He repeats again:
When he pronounce his words I hear such a thunder if the earthquake takes place and I see the  white mountains made of the folds of this collar become alive and move….
And I recognize this old man: its St Nicholas of Myra. And I understand that in order the God would listen my prayers about my son, I must change, become another man, become better.
25 Oct.2018
The photograph of icone is taken from Internet.