To David Cameron about Russian aggression

Инна Бальзина-Бальзин
28th February 2016
Nottinghamshire, Great Britain

To David Cameron

To David Cameron about Russian aggression in Eastern Europe

- Russians're badly, - Nanies teached:
- Russian men came overnight!
Just to rape all German women!
It was being in May 1945!

Poor German girls and women!
Allways men to come to rape them!
Russian men in May 1945,
were being evils to come to rape them!

Plenty years flushing over -
Other men to come to rape!
They from Africa!
And so, better! better! and not the some!

British Ladies, British women worried:
- Russian men may come!
They will rape all German Ladies!
and all British! Americans!

- See, though windows: - Are they coming?
Are they here? Ready to rape?
Just for nothing! Really for nothings!
Some funny things as a war with deaths!

- Dear Tommy! Never! Never!
Never leave, as me'm your Mum!
Mummie know all for better! Please, be good!
Forever son!

- Tommie, dear! never leave your Mummie! Not!
Or whom will put to tie your shoes on your foot?
All these women are dirty women! Prostitudes! and not me!
You are my small son forever! Sit! I bring some food to you!

But this time will come, to leave all,
as for grown up babies-birds,
as for kittens, as for puppies,
to be adults to do waht you want.

So terrible to leaning how to survive,
How to fly, how to be!
And no Mumies, and no Dadies,
Just on one, one feet!

Time to be to stay together.
Time to leave to be alone.
Time to return to thanks all knowns,
Time to love, and time to build.

No advices how to vote.
Each will put his own vote.
We will see all our votes
How they will fly as birds.

A river, boats, boats, boats,
Some on left, and some on right.
Such as votes, voices, wishes,
may be right, or, will be right.

Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin
Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин

1. EU referendum: David Cameron warns Brexit could make it harder to combat Russian aggression in Eastern Europe

2. To David Cameron about Russian aggression in Eastern Europe
Poem By Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin