Рецензия на «Идеальные пары» (Димиозис)

Прекрасная мини. Очень глубокая, хотя внешне как бы смешная и легкая. Она мне так понравилась, что я сделал для вас ее перевод на английский язык. За качество перевода не беспокойтесь. Оно нормальное.

Удачи вам и успехов.

The Ideal Matches

"I've been sent to help you", Fate said to Love. "They say you can't manage your work well enough".

"Alas, they're right", agreed Love unhappily. "Look at all the souls of the world in front of us, the edge of each soul has its own complicated and ever-changing patterns of life. I pick up each of them and try to find an ideal match for each soul's edge, but there are billions of souls. So I'll be happy to have any help from you".

"Okay, then, let's get down to business", said Fate rolling up her sleeves and taking out her sharp scissors.

Click, and Fate cut off the fansily indented edge of a randomly picked up soul. Click, and the edge of another soul was cut off, too, and Fate joined the two souls' edges together making them one.
"What are you doing? You can't do it like this!" exclaimed Love in indignation. "You're breaking the law of love! The souls you've connected weren't created for each other at all"!

"Never mind!" answered Fate calmly and picked up another pair of souls, "But look! Now they fit each other like a glove! They are now an ideal whole match!"
And Fate continued cutting craftily the edges of the souls which she started picking up quickly.
"And that's because now they have the same fate!" she added smiling happily.

Александр Пахотин   03.10.2015 16:44     Заявить о нарушении

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