
Анна Шустерман: литературный дневник

Hot smoked mackerel...
Golden, flavorful,
to the point of being insane!
And in the frying pan
The potatoes are browning...
Where's my plate?
So a little bit of everything... ;

A little bit extra flavorful, with a little bitterness
my childhood delicacy, fish oil from a bottle.
For an appetizer, kamsa, a salty, salty fish.
I can only remember my father's hands and smile....
My sisters were jealous, they had one salted flounder each,
And me a tablespoon of love and salted fish, two of them!

P.S. Smoked fish triggers a conditioned reflex? The fish lovers are drooling... Pavlov smiles at us from the sky! Smoked fish makes me nostalgic for my daddy...
Who passed away so early in life!
No one in our family likes fish oil but me....
Smoked fish takes me back to my childhood where Daddy was alive...
And so the kids wouldn't get sick he made us drink fish oil!

Другие статьи в литературном дневнике:

  • 27.06.2022. ***
  • 13.06.2022. ***