What is Ukraine now?

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 From the Internet.

 “Ukraine is a country that, before our eyes, has been turned by the American side into a NATO ghetto, and with only one goal to weaken Russia, a competitor of large US financial capital.

 Just as yesterday’s Ukrainian “Maidan” was a bloody laboratory for preparing a plan for the destruction of Russia, so today’s destruction of Ukraine is a dress rehearsal for tomorrow’s destruction of Europe.”



 Under capitalism, under the dictate of always selfish interests of private property, the world is driven by competition between large capitals from different countries of the world.

 Now the USA, China and Russia are locked in mortal combat, there is nothing to say about Europe, it is a slave of the USA, carries out the will of the USA to the detriment of itself and its people... the executive power in Europe is under the hood of the CIA, and the CIA is a bad joke, there are countless examples.  ..

 How does this life-and-death struggle threaten the world?

 It threatens that we will all cease to exist on planet Earth.

 Many naive and ignorant people sit under the pressure of propaganda, they say, Putin will not allow a nuclear Third World War to start, he has a headache on his shoulders, he knows perfectly well how this could end.

 Putin knows that, but he also knows that if Russia is hit with nuclear weapons, he will not hesitate to respond in kind, and goodbye Vasya!

 And judging by how hysteria is heating up in US relations with China and Russia, and not just words of confrontation are being uttered, but real steps of a forceful nature are being taken, we can’t expect anything good...

 People, peoples of the world, open your eyes, the world in such a bloody and ugly capitalist form will lead the planet to destruction, something needs to be done, ring the bells, sound the alarm, shout, raise the peoples of the countries, especially for the instigator of all this bloody trouble, the American  nouveau riche!

 The word is up to the American people!