In the service of good...

Владислав Попов 2
 If all scientific and technical inventions were in the service of good, and not money, not making profit to satisfy insatiable private property, then we would already live in paradise, in a socialist paradise, and not in capitalist barbarism...

 If its four significant shortcomings were removed from capitalism - wars, poverty, immorality and the constant revival of fascism and nationalism, then it could be to some extent tolerated...

 Why did I say that, do you think?

 Everything is very simple, I picked up for everyone a now boring, ordinary mobile phone with a magic screen large enough for normal perception, where everything is there that you need, just for you, at any time you will find in the phone any information, knowledge,  science, entertainment, just pay...

 Can you imagine, if the phone contained only carefully selected good and good, positive and moral, hundreds, thousands in this regard, tested, what would happen, how it affected the person, we would see at the output a completely different person, thousands of times better,  what we have in reality now, if my eyes wouldn’t look!?

 Now, if you were next to me, you would hear from me a groan of regret, enormous regret for the existing order of things, when all the best is used in the interests of the worst...

 This is scary to understand, this is not human, not rational, not culture, not the future, which has a future!?

 It feels like we, humanity, are rolling down a mountain and have already gained such mass and speed that no one can stop this colossus, you can see all this, but there is no stopping it...

 Once again humanity is faced with the question of what to do!?

 What should those who see and understand that we are going, rolling in the wrong direction, need blood from the nose... otherwise, it’s scary to think, imagine?!