The Simple Law for humanity

Марат Авазович Аваз-Нурзеф
Оригинал данной публикации и её адрес: «Для человечества Закон Простой» –
Original of this publication and its address: «Для человечества Закон Простой» –

Я прекрасно понимаю: предлагаемый «Простой Закон» в ближайшие пару-тройку десятилетий выполняться не будет.
I understand perfectly well: the proposed “Simple Law” will not be implemented in the next 2-3 of decades.

Более того, он не удостоится более-менее серьёзного прочтения никем из властей предержащих, их юристов, адвокатов, пособников и приспешников.
Moreover, he will not be awarded a more or less serious reading by any of the authorities, their lawyers, accomplices and henchmen.

И только потому, что лидеры крупнейших государств Планеты не хотят ни того, ни другого.
And only because the leaders of the largest states of the Planet do not want either one or the other.

Хотя череда их встреч между собой будет продолжаться и продолжаться.
Although the series of their meetings among themselves will continue and continue.

Которыми они, главы государств, будут демонстрировать народам свою необходимость и значимость, продлевать пустые надежды у большинства людей, далёких от политических кухонь, и сохранять туман в их головах.
With which they, the heads of state, will demonstrate to the peoples their necessity and significance, prolong the empty hopes of most people far from political cuisines, and keep the fog in their heads.

Нижеследующий перевод оригинала, сделанный при помощи робота и выправленный мной по моим возможностям, конечно, далёк от совершенства.
The following translation of the original, made with a robot and straightened by me according to my capabilities, of course, is far from perfect.

Не судите меня за то слишком строго.
Don't judge me too harshly.

Thank you!

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On April 12, 2024 I made the publication “Russia, Ukraine, Others” ( Material is made by fragments of the works created for the last 10 years. Designated material in a word – a construction. And in brackets specified – "monument" in quotes. In a trailer part of the publication described on what all "monument" – its "core" keeps. Then two days edited this description. And here I give it the separate address, with "label" (heading) and with an illustration that it is given to "monument", but the faces of heads of several more states and also the picture now added across Africa.

— I can tell only one: unfortunately, differently in this situation it was impossible to arrive already. Therefore is not a mistake. This responsible and, adequate situations, decision. A huge number of circumstances, the threats which already died for that period of people [and I have dead both in Luhansk, and on the way to Chernihiv, and in Odessa... and it to SMO (special military operation)]. And still, sorry, but you do not know really much. You is far. Once again thanks.

— It how to bring the person to self-hanging, gradually to wait for that, and then – to rush to take out from a loop attempted upon murder of himself and to be exposed the savior, and the hero! Here in what a hassle (in that value that a cunning, m ean-spirited trick)!

But I did not begin to oppose in Telegram to the statements of my virtual girlfrend: there is no need – they are in my works created within the last decade from which fragments – first of all for it! – were collected in the publication called here in the first paragraph a uniform construction ("monument"). There is no need – time death of people (including close to the girlfrend and in different locations), her own thoughts, feelings, perceptions, experiences, ideas of the purposes, prospects and the future, the summary, – there is no need if all this and another for it not only is much more constructive, more correct also above "monument" from the person of other (yes, geographically far from Ukraine, not able the nobility of circumstances and situations personally and on own skin! the difference is corporal, physiological! not everything interfering in the correct relations and conclusions!), – but are considered as it as the ultimate truth. However here, resolutely, sharply, one movement, I will make simplification of "monument", having left only its "core" for looks.

Here it – you look.

In the current 21st century, as well as in all past, the leader of the large country (we will designate it by letter A) we will gain a mania to put in a tight situation the neighbor of B, by force and without prior notice to snip off from its lands, to take away as it is possible the most part of riches, to make the vassal. The neighbor of B, clear, opposes, asks for the help to C (located in other hemisphere of Earth, but to the opponent and the competitor A, not less, if no more, self-interested, gangster, hiding the essence behind a mask of democracy, justice and goodwill). Chapters A and C each other do not trust: everyone waits for a dirty trick (and even attacks) from the opposite side. After this considers that it is necessary to show incessantly force, if necessary to manage to involve its the first, otherwise it can be beaten. At the same time Chapter B not only does not interfere with ideology, statements and actions of nationalist and extremist groups in the country (and it – is necessary! behind that you and peculiar people! all means and ways in your hands! what you are the leader of the state if you do not understand that! or you do not want! or it is not capable!), – but, on the contrary, encourages them, enters with them into the union, and even in dependence falls. Business reaches war: hoping for a fast victory, Chapter A moves the troops on B. Soon a secret becomes obvious: 1. C will not allow to come true to blitzkrieg; 2. war is favorable to Chapters A and C (though differently!). And to B streams of the foreign help continue to go (from B and a great number of his allies): money, arms, other values, economic and bank sanctions against A. And Chapter B comes to understanding too soon: fights, battles, defense, approaches have to proceed and continue! And this person who was before war financially by absolutely ordinary subject takes from foreign injections for himself billions and becomes the superrich man. And he does not want now in any way and cannot really, for full completion of military operations on both sides, to sit down at the negotiating table: let people massively perish! let the cities be ruined!

And all this would not be if the Simple Law for mankind in several points by Nature (The Sky, God, the Universe – to a lump, somehow) would be observed by heads of all large states of Earth (and also conflictogenic – for not really powerful of them economically, perhaps, not all five articles are relevant):

1. richness of your country and its production forces is sufficient for comfortable life of all people;

2. do not claim the property of any other country, otherwise an attempt to implement such an undertaking leads to huge human casualties, cripples the treasury, plunges the people into difficulties that can lead them to poverty, and the state to disaster;

3. achieve the eradication of intentional offenses and crimes in the country (complete - unrealistic, but the maximum possible - up to false!), for which be yourself, first of all, honest, not stealing, not greedy;

4. stop in the bud any manifestations of xenophobia and animal, herd instincts and claims in the groups of your fellow citizens;

5. resolve issues and disputes arising in your international politics only through negotiations, strictly observing the categorical veto on the use of force.

April 12-15, 2024.