4D-tetraquark is carrier of Fifth Superforce

Леонов Владимир Семенович
April 2024

For citation:
V.S. Leonov. 4D-tetraquark is carrier of Fifth Superforce of nature. – Preprint: ResearchGate, April 2024, Download PDF: DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.11309.09445

4D-tetraquark is the carrier of the fifth Superforce of nature in the form of the Superstrong Electromagnetic Interaction (SEI), which was discovered in 1996. 4D-tetraquark has a colossal density of electromagnetic energy accumulated inside 4D-tetraquark and quantized space-time consisting of 4D-tetraquarks. 4D-tetraquark cannot be a free particle since it is tied up inside the fabric of quantized space-time which we perceive as the vacuum of space. Hungarian physicists, CERN and Fermilab were looking for a free particle as the carrier of the fifth force of nature. This was their methodological error which led to the failure of their experiments.

17 pages, 8 figures

Key word: fifth force of nature, Superforce, 4D-tetraquark, Superstrong Electromagnetic Interaction (SEI), theory of Superunification, physicist Leonov, Hungarian physicists, CERN, Fermilab.

1. Introduction
2. Four integer quarks (antiquarks) are the basis of the Universe
3. 4D-tetraquark is the carrier of the fifth Superforce
4. Fifth Superforce is the basis of the quantum theory of Superunification
as a new physics
5. Physicists have discovered a fifth force 20 years after its discovery
6. Conclusion