Life on credit...

Владислав Попов 2
 “Modern American technology is incomparably superior to the American social structure.

 And while technology produces ideal items that make life easier, the social structure does not allow the American to earn money to buy these items.

 Hire purchase is the basis of American commerce.

 All the items in an American's house were purchased in installments: the stove on which he cooks, the furniture on which he sits, the vacuum cleaner with which he cleans the rooms, even the very house in which he lives - everything was purchased in installments.

 For all this you have to pay money for decades.  In essence, neither the house, nor the furniture, nor the wonderful little things of mechanized life belong to him.

 The law is very strict.  Out of a hundred contributions, ninety-nine can be made, and if there is not enough money for the hundredth, then this thing will be taken away.

 Property for the vast majority of people is a fiction.  Everything, even the bed on which the desperate optimist and ardent champion of property sleeps, belongs not to him, but to an industrial company or a bank.

 It is enough for a person to lose his job, and the next day he begins to clearly understand that he is not an owner, but a very ordinary slave, like the once blacks, only white."

 Ilf and Petrov.



 There’s nothing to even add, much less comment, one thing is clear, capitalism is crap no matter which way you look at it... I’m not even talking about blood, hatred inflamed by capital, wars and destruction from wars...