Surprise and guesses of Maria Zakharova...

Владислав Попов 2
 From information sources...

 “The Russian Foreign Ministry said that Germany is controlled by a shadow power.

 This opinion was shared by the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova.

 There is an invisible (and unknown) force for the German voter, unrelated to the electoral system, within the state apparatus of the Federal Republic of Germany, which now governs Germany.

 The Germans write about Schattenstaat - a “shadow state,” said Zakharova.

 According to her, materials on the topic of the “shadow state” in Germany are pessimized, deleted and censored, and the authors are labeled as conspiracy theorists.

 She noted that for now, German residents can save themselves.

 According to Zakharova, Germans need to contact the authorities and find out what is really happening in the country."



 Well, kindergarten, by God, American troops have been freely located on German territory since 1945, along with numerous CIA structures.

 Do you still need to say who is in command of the parade in Germany?

 America's puppets are in power in Germany, and all their actions are carried out in the interests of America, American business, and not the people of Germany.

 Everything we hear from German officials is based on CIA cheat sheets.

 Maria Vladimirovna, well, stop pretending to be ignorant, when the whole world has known about this slave state of Germany for a hundred years, I don’t see any irony or sense in this lack of understanding of yours!