There are sensible people...

Владислав Попов 2
 From information sources.

 US Senator Mike Lee gave a formidable and truthful speech against the Ukraine aid bill:

 “We cannot send billions of dollars to Ukraine while our own American borders are bleeding.”

 This betrayal is the most disgusting, because it happens when people are looking towards sports, family and fun.

 That's how it should be.  God help us!

 The American people don't have to watch every hour to make sure their own government doesn't stab them in the back.

 After all, what did he do to obtain such untrustworthy servants of the people?

 We now see the terrifying dominance of what President Eisenhower called the military-industrial complex.

 I'm talking about an apparatus forged by an unholy alliance between the military business and Washington politicians, aimed at the business of blood, in collusion with politicians in Washington and around the world who have made bloodshed their business.

 And all this is at the expense of our freedom, our honor and self-determination.
 Not to mention the time Americans had to spend paying for the military-industrial complex.

 Its adherents have absorbed resources intended for the safety and well-being of our citizens in order to continue violence among people who are far away and with whom we are not at war, from whose suffering we, the American people, will not gain victory."



 More than once I have repeated that the US military-industrial complex is a fiend on earth, something needs to be done urgently about this, otherwise these madmen will bring the world to disaster!

 Is this question for Putin and Comrade Xi, or is it for the people of America?