Is Alejandro Majorcas a hero?

Александр Штрайхер
   Alejandro Majorcas, in my opinion, may not be as much of a scoundrel as it seems. Of course, it's hard to watch him blatantly lie to all those senators, pushing them to complete frustration with his evasive answers. At the same time, he carries himself as if he's dealing with unreasonable children, which is, again, incredibly irritating.
   Once, a simple thought crossed my mind: what if I really don't understand what truly motivates him? Maybe he's not just a party Democrat mindlessly carrying out the sinister will of the anti-American party elite. Perhaps he's driven by noble ideas that allow him to disregard all the heaps of dirt thrown at him.
   Imagine if this whole saga with open borders is, in his opinion, the optimal solution to the aging population problem in the Old World. After overcoming all the existing obstacles, the best human material from all corners of the world will flock to the country. Young, healthy, active, fearless – and at their own expense!
   Maybe in the end, they will erect a monument to him? Although it's unlikely – after all, he is still Jewish...