Runtu Sexual nature thus demanded thetotal secrecy

Рюнтю Юри
Runtu : Their sexual nature thus demanded the total secrecy / / USA

2023 : Telegram : Runtu, Uri : От автора " 1 - 12 Книг о друзьях Руди Нуреева - которыми я горжусь и люблю : Общение и Опыт жизни этих личностей - помог мне прожить счастливую жизнь на Западе и в России " / / WWII Australia | Australian writer and journalist : Yuri Ryuntyu | book : Uri Runtu : Rudolf Noureev : La Mort a Paris : Hео-трансцендентальный театр : 2022.

2023 : Telegram : Runtu, Uri TikTok : ' Проза занимает место в Литературе только благодаря содержащейся в ней Поэзии...' Рюноске Акутагава : 1892-1927 / Член Японской Мафии, гениальный ученик - Великого Литератора Осаму Дазая : Hео-трансцендентальный театр : 2022.

2023 : Telegram : Runtu, Uri TikTok : Особо приятно и радует Стэнфордский университет - Студенты в Университетах из США / USA : The Stanford University : California / : учатся по моим : 62 книгам по Истории , Искусству и Культуре : Древней Руси : Императорской России : СССР и Новой Демократической России : Документы, Мемуары и Летописи Жизни : 3 000 Россиян : с 10 по 21 век / / Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English / Canberra ACT Australia : the Neo-transcendental theatre : 2022.

2023 : Telegram : Runtu, Uri TikTok : Фото: Академик Рюнтю Юри и Профессор Шумяцкий Борис. 2004 - Дар из 62 КНИГ писателя : на двух ДВД-дисках: ' О Pусском 3арубежьe в США, в Европе и Австралии : 20 и 21 века ' - для Библиотеки АИС Москва - Россия ( Международная Ассоциация Арт-критиков России и Ассоциация Историков Искусства России ), лично передано доктору искусствоведения Шумяцкому Борису (генеральный директор филиала АИС в России), Россия, Москва / / : Hео-трансцендентальный театр : 2022.

Someone asked me why it was that the issues that so upset my friend (see the preceding post) did not upset me and do not seem to upset a lot of the apologists.
That’s a difficult question.

I really can’t answer for anyone else, but it seems logical that most people would be upset if they learned that the religious leader they had been taught to revere as God’s chosen prophet had done some pretty reprehensible and inexcusable things (say, to pick one example, marrying teenagers and married women behind his wife’s back).

 Indeed, most people who find out these things before joining Mormonism will never join Mormonism.

And many church members live blissfully unaware of such problematic pieces of history for years, and when they do uncover them, they are devastated.

But what of us who knew of these things and defended Joseph Smith and the LDS church anyway? Many church members simply deny that any of it happened, waving it off as an anti-Mormon lie.

 I know people who insist that Joseph’s marriages were platonic in nature and never consummated, despite all of the evidence, including firsthand testimony of the wives who actually did consummate the marriages.

Of course, the simple truth is that most of the marriages were not platonic.

 Their sexual nature thus demanded the total secrecy Joseph maintained, including from his wife.

 There would be no need for public and private denials had these been the “loose dynastic sealings” the apologists speak of.

But a lot of apologists know very well of these problems (and there are far more problems than the plural marriage issues), but they seem untroubled, no matter the seriousness of the problems.

 I was one of these. I knew at least fifteen years ago of many of the problems with early Mormonism and its claims.

Why didn’t it bother me? I think I went through a few stages of understanding.

First, I went into denial mode.

 Again, using plural marriage as an example, I rejected the information and dismissed it as exaggeration.

The Joseph Smith I knew would never have done such things.

There had to be some kind of misunderstanding, or the history was incomplete. And last, this really wasn’t an important issue because I had a testimony.

Next, when the evidence became to me undeniable, I rationalized. Well, he was commanded of God, I told myself.

This wasn’t the behavior of a sexual predator but a solemn commandment of God made through an angel (with a drawn sword, no less).

If God commanded it, it must have been right, and I was wrong to question it because my mortal understanding could not comprehend such holy things.

 Again, my testimony trumped all, and I accepted the rightness of the acts because I believed in the prophet.

Finally, that day in August of 2005 I acknowledged what I think I had known all along: there was no misunderstanding, and it wasn’t about doing anything holy. It was just part and parcel of the larger religious and financial enterprise Joseph Smith had built around himself.

It’s no coincidence that almost every religion led by a charismatic leader ends up with his or her getting involved sexually with followers.

It’s just one of those things that people with absolute power do, and Joseph Smith was no exception.

I’m glad I stopped making excuses because my conscience really did bother me all those years, and I suspect that at least some apologists feel that same nagging feeling that something is wrong.

But I’d bet that they rest comfortably
in their testimonies, as I once did.

Runtu 10 Пьес автора и Стэнфордский университет US
Рюнтю Юри: литературный дневник
10 Пьес автора и Стэнфордский университет США : / / Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / Celebrities RU Telegram : 2022 .

10 Драма ЖИЗНЬ МАТВЕЯ : Вторая Мировая Война : авторская страница : Историческая драма на славянскую тему о Великой культуре Грандиозной России : / / 1938-1995 Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / Celebrities RU Telegram : 2022
9 Драма Смерть Собора Святого Духа / / авторская страница : Историческая Драма на славянскую тему о Великой культуре Грандиозной России : 1725-1987 Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / Celebrities RU Telegram : 2022
8 Драма Пророк Mухаммед и Xадиджа / / авторская страница : Историческая Драма на исламскую тему и Мировая Культура : России - Европы - Азии и Арабского Мира : 575-620 Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / Celebrities RU Telegram : 2022
7 Драма Братья Карамазовы как Приемыши / / авторская страница : Историческая Драма на славянскую тему о Великой культуре Грандиозной России : 1860-1879 : Психоанализ романа « Братья Карамазовы » писателя Ф. М. Достоевского: 1860-1879 Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / Celebrities RU Telegram : 2022
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5 Драма Русский Сальери Борис Пастернак / / авторская страница : Историческая драма на славянскую тему о Великой культуре Грандиозной России : 1930-1964 / / 1930-1964 Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / Celebrities RU Telegram : 2022
4 Драма Лубянка Маяковского и Лилии Брик / / авторская страница : Историческая драма на славянскую тему о Великой культуре Грандиозной России : 1922-1930 Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / Celebrities RU Telegram : 2022
3 Драма Ад Есенина C. и Айседоры Дункан / / авторская страница : Историческая драма на славянскую тему о Великой культуре Грандиозной России : 1919-1925 Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / Celebrities RU Telegram : 2022
2 Драма Тайна Александра Блока / / авторская страница : Историческая драма на славянскую тему о Великой культуре Грандиозной России : 1917-1921 / / 1917-1921 Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / Celebrities RU Telegram : 2022
1 Драма Жена и Мать 1918 Царь Николай II / / авторская страница : Историческая драма на славянскую тему о Великой культуре Грандиозной России : 1881-1918 / Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / Celebrities RU Telegram : 2022