Ольга Алексеевна Введенская
A flashback into the future: 

...And there she stood, so devastated yet anew, alone, amid the darkness. The only thing she wanted, THE ONLY thing she wanted was to take down all the bitches of the world so that she could become the top one. The bestest bitch, the only bitch, the clear and undoubted ultimate choice, the main and singular bitch in the world.. And if it was up to her, there were not gonna be smart women in the whole wide world, there were not gonna be happy women in the whole wide world, there were not gonna be pretty women in the whole wide world, there were not gonna be sexy women in the whole wide world, but only devastated ones, sliding into non-existence.  And you know, it was up to her: she could do women in, one by one. All of them. SO THAT SHE IS THE ONLY ONE LEFT IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD!!!1 And so she did. One by one. And it was getting her closer to happiness than anything else in the whole wide world. The problem is: there's a whole 3.8 billion women in the whole wide world so even if the 3.9 billion men did not mind, her crowns couldn't have possibly chewed through 3.8 billion throats.  And so she stands. In the dark. Alone. In the quiet.  Telling any rare traveler one single phrase: "this crossroad is safe to cross now", holding back her elated smile that takes over her each time when someone, anyone approaches as each time she hopes that this arrival for sure would be to give HER the admiration, love, appreciation and company, give it all to the onliest bitch in the whole wide world, only to see the traveler go on with their journey hardly looking at her..

…No bitches to compete with for the dark lonely crossroad and an honorable job of a street light. They all look up to her.  The ONLY thing she wanted has found her…