My lost drawings

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My drawing “SWISS ALPS” took for me about four hours to do, when I took a trip with Debora U Miller, who lived in Wintertur, Switzerland and collected my work at that time. This summer I traveled by hitchhiking through Europe and was going to Germany and to Croatia towards Adriatic Sea.
There I made during the 3 months close to 16 drawings with my “CONTINUES LINE” technique. All those drawings suppose to be not bigger than the size of portfolio - folder, which fits in plastic cover and during my trips was placed between my back and backpack.

When I returned to the US, I wanted to inspire and surprise my students and at the first day of a College, by showing them my Summer work.
They liked it very much.

When my class was over, around three pm, I went to a parking lot, put my folder on the top of car, opened a door and with the key tried start my old FORD THUNDERBIRD, but it did not work,
I opened the hood of my car and realised that carburetor did not work and needed some cleaning to be done.
Finally, after few hours of hard work, I was able to start my car and with a happy feeling shot off door on my side and drove home.
Only when I was going to sleep and my brain was relaxed, I suddenly remembered, that I did not check my portfolio with all Summer drawings!
“Perhaps, I left them in my storage place in the school?

In the morning , already being in school , I checked them there, but did not find any.
“I must look for them better at home”.
No, they weren’t at home.
Going to the bed I meditated on them and realized, that I left all 16 drawings, together with portfolio on the roof of my car and drove away. Must be it was blown down on the Market Street in Newark.
Later I went to a police Department, trying to find if anions, possibly, brought my drawings to a police, but they told me, that they are dealing mostly with murder cases in Newark.
It was the end of my search for my Summer drawings. If anyone will see them, please let me know! Thank you!!!

Grigory GUREVICH, Copyright November 1st, 2023