Two Bought Property Home 06 10 2023 0455am UK

Инна Бальзина-Бальзин
Two Bought Property Home 06 10 2023 0455am UK
** 04:55 am 6th October 2023 UK Night Dream Drawing Picture
By Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin

Two Bought Property Home 06 10 2023 0455am UK

It was a night dream. I was some sex as I am now, - a female, a woman, just an young woman in age.

I walked closed to a tall man on his left side of him, or he was on a right side of me.

We both walked inside a fenced land property where he just bought this to owe for us and to me.

The white stone fenced land had a three white stone buildings houses of a solid white stone polished bricks, looking so expensive solid look.

But The Middle Property Building, 2nd from a left of a right, -
this building house  was in ruins, -

no a roof, no walls inside, ruins inside and the empty building.

Two property buildings were on the some not big distance stayed looked well-presented as a new white stone front-back look, both with a roof, quite expensive well-done property.

The white stone edge rounded the property land, a quite big size of a land.

The green grass garden park , a green field big piece of land like a long big park with lots high and short grass was here,

to think about this that

no one gardener or farmers workers touched a land for a long time.

There were being not trees
to think the land stayed not touched not for a really long long time
without a care as if this trees will grew..

Some accident was here as a middle property of a solid thick white stone was ruined or was not building till the final end as someone died, looked some fire or collapsed, cleaned mess all, mothing as a ruins inside left, so some tried to clean all and died, not ending a work to well representation occupied look view.

The land prior the buildings was a white long with grass and plants, mixed colours of lots green, dark green, green, light green, yellow touches, like a hot summer or the autumn started , so the summer-autumn time of year was on a time my night dream here.

I was a female,  wearied a long skirts long woman dress, a simple style, not a fashion modern with lots extras but a practical honest style people wear everyday.

I walking on a left of a tall man, we both were young pair walkers.

He was in his dark or grey dark or lighted shaded black top or a wet dark simple everyday style clothes too.

He wanted me to show what he bought to owe to make our property home land for us two and for me as mine.  He so spent his savings money and a cost of this was a solid as a little estate , a park, a land, three solid white stone buildings, two in a good conditions.

We might build a middle property make some look or to a ruin make a land or make fences but we looked make some look was before, three some style white solid stone cottages look.

We walked inside, a summer-autumn time of year, no one was , a peaceful silence look, no other properties, no other people, was early morning time or a day time or closed to evening.

All looked a dry, but lots plants grew up having a rain.

He wanted to show everything he bought to me and to us here,
suddenly, while we walked to look a condition of a middle ruined building inside to discus plans to pick re-building, but I do stopped here, having a suddenly strange mystic panic fear attack, - I realised suddenly the emptiness of place no any person, no humans, just me two both walking around and a silence and the ruined property look, -so, someone could died here in some accident inside??

I realised I was not a wanted to step inside a ruined property building no the roof and nothing inside and I stopped to walk , - I walked on left, he walked on my right.

The Stone sounded  Kamen'  K-Amen K-Amin Amen , "Car Men"  Ar-Men  on Russian, Slavonic.

White solid stone was so expensive fine but not what a human heart tried to find as the human cosy comfort of warm colours of wood.

The white solid expensive polished stones was a better choice for some Palaces, Estates, Officials buildings, Council Main Home, The Churches, Hospitals, to stay for a long time.

I tried to find something else for me here in this World as a warm feeling of my family where I love others and we all love others and this white solid polished stone buildings were expensive cold look, the coldness of the  look, - and no one too near, so, no one human was a happy glad families humans in this buildings as all left and this was a sold.

Something was as a mystic misery strange  feelings not right here.

The Tall man was not so sensitive to feel this strange feeling signs as something  was a strange to go closed near inside look inside what he bought for us two.

He looked he was so a proud happy managing a good financial deal mix property he planed make improved.

I had not a time to say him any words, just stopped and put the air in my breast , keeping a silence, I just started prepare myself to say this:

- "No. I do not walk no a step more and not walk inside this ruins, I feel something strange so better avoid buildings for a while."

I had just thoughts of my words which were been not pronounced
just first

- "No", -

a first sound of all,

and suddenly
I have waked up here in This Own World.

-  "So strange night early morning dream was this night here for me!", -
I wonder, waking up.

After a small break, I switched on my PC, and drew a picture.
I stopped to draw
it was an early morning time

04:55  am UK time.

07:55  am Moscow time Russia (probably)

Friday, 6th October 2023.

Hm, I realise now suddenly here:

Vladimir Putin 's  Official Birthday  on  7th October 2023 ,
so tomorrow.

I do not remember his age and how many years was his life.

A really,  "The Sisters" or "Three Brothers" was a word for The Union
of three Republics, - Belorussia, Russia, Ukraine.

Ukraine is in a ruins  2014 - 2023, we all ask themselves when this war in Ukraine 2014-2023 will stop and people will return to a normal human ordinary life?

I watched listened Putin's speech  on Valdaj Valday Conference on 5th October 2023 as a part of this, the translation on UK from Russia was stopped, probably:
my PC "died" "unlinked". I pity people we all stayed the some in USSR time was not like this (or was just hidden not said by news from TV of Moscow?).

The Chat of a Girl and a Man About Their Future

The ruined White Home of Mine!
When will all Wars stop?,
All Wars will stop?
When will the Peace coming?

Why had we saw this real facts to find
The White Race Men Wars
Had murdered so lots of us here?

The White man said
- I love you!
Be my wife!
My Spouse!
Look, - I had bought our house!

- Look, what fears
Of My strong Panic Attacks
That White Race Men Wil Come
To Bomb To Ruins our properties
and families and us all?

- I have just some my body this,
A Female.

- So, How will I able as a Mother
Protect My Children Here?,

- When The Evil Wild White Enemies
White Race Men Wars Come
Or Their Murders Mind Will Ruin All
In Their Revolutions??

And a woman, crying, taking of her palms
Out her beloved man, a beloved husband:

- Lots evil wild aggressive white race men
Will come to rub, to rape, to ruin
All Us.

- They will run, if their spying eyes
Will noticed a luxuries comfort here.

- They notice any penny, pound, a size
Of Jewelry, a Jewellery, or Pearl, Or Diamond, Or a Silver.

- So, what a point to work to save to build
To owe, to repairs, to re-build,
To produce babies, and to pay all taxes
If jealousy white race men will ruin
All Our Properties and The Family and our Gladness?

You will buy to me the next expensive solid dress
And someone jealousy , a neighbour 's wife, himself,-
They calculate the price your gift to me
be so greedy jealous:

- Why was it presented not to me?

And we present all the some dresses look to all and any:

- Why is she in the some?

And if we pick a low income dress look:

- Your male eyes will a search radar of others women here?

And all women will have the some one look:

- So, how will you find me then if I would here, my dear spouse-friend?

And if we will manage find a land, just both and you and I am, -
The White Race Mobil Men
will come as
A huge American Warriors , or Any Some Strong Army?

She cried in tears,-
Tears were dropping down
from her face:

- I am so sorry here, dear,
to say your this "No!"
and to left.


By  Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin

"The Chat of a Girl and a Man About Their Future", a poem (6.10.2023. UK)

"04:55 am 6th October 2023 UK Night Dream Drawing Picture", a story (06.10.2023. UK)
"Two Bought Property Home 06 10 2023 0455am UK"