Resurgence and Spontaneous Recovery ABA Insights

Михаил Салита
Spontaneous Recovery:

Spontaneous recovery is random and sudden, out of nowhere.
It can happen even after a long time and despite positive progress.
We lack a clear understanding of why it occurs.
Example: Cravings to smoke after quitting for years.


Resurgence isn't tied to time but to the replacement behavior's reinforcement.
It happens when the reinforcement for the replacement behavior stops.
Example: Quitting smoking with gum, then returning to smoking when gum doesn't work anymore.

Spontaneous Recovery in Detail:

Spontaneous recovery is the urge to revive an already-extinct behavior.
Applies to previously conditioned behaviors.
Can occur intermittently after extinction.
Triggered by learned cues, not at initial intensity.

Resurgence in Detail:

Resurgence happens due to the failure of the replacement behavior.
If the substitute reinforcement loses its effectiveness.
Example: Stopping gum after years, leading back to smoking.

Extinction and Behavior Recurrence:

Extinction involves stopping reinforcement for an unwanted behavior.
Various reasons behind behavior resurgence.
Common thread: Unwanted behavior, discontinued reinforcement, replacement behavior.

Outcomes: Sustained absence or a return to old behavior due to loss of replacement's reinforcement or familiarity.