Ode to Water

Андрей Тарзалайнен
Water, oh water, so pure and clear,
You flow in rivers and streams without fear.
You bring life to all that you touch,
From the smallest fish to the birds that clutch.

Your gentle waves crash on the shore,
As the tides ebb and flow forevermore.
Your power is great, your beauty serene,
A true wonder of nature, a sight to be seen.

You quench our thirst, you cleanse our soul,
You make the earth turn, and make it whole.
From the dew on the grass to the rain in the sky,
You sustain life, and you never ask why.

Water, oh water, we honor you,
For all that you do, for all that you ensue.
May we cherish you, and protect you with care,
For you are a treasure beyond compare.

20 апреля 2023 г.

© Андрей Тарзалайнен, 2023.