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Before falling asleep, I read Shakespeare and my old diary (the beginning of 2018). Then, I decided to add a new exercise to my daily routine. I’m talking about memorization. I spent 10 minutes memorizing the definition of the concept “self-image”. I think this exercise has great potential. Can I sustain it for a couple of months? A year? How many definitions can I put in my long-term memory in a year?

I recalled all the other times when I used to memorize poems, definitions, lectures, pieces of literature. With the exception of one instance in 2013 when I deliberately worked on my memory for half a year, I wasn’t able to sustain this exercise for long. What if I can make a habit out of this exercise and do the same thing with English as I did with Russian? I need a schedule. I’m gonna learn five definitions a week. All these definitions must be linked to the club’s weekly topics. I’m gonna invest 10 minutes a day in memorizing a new definition. At the end of each week, I’m gonna use all five definitions to make the club’s discussions more informative. The next week, I’ll memorize five new definitions, reciting a few times those I had previously learned. Ideally, I’m gonna learn 20 definitions a month, and it’s gonna take me about half an hour or so to repeat them. If I sustain this exercise for a year, at the end of December 2021, I’ll need six hours a month to repeat 250 definitions. Is it possible to put 250 definitions in a long-term memory?

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