Incredible Condition

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New, 2012, I met alone. I barely managed to clean up and decorate my apartment a little and then take a shower, so I jumped out of the bathroom when the president was preparing to give his New Year greeting.
On the 13th of January, I decided to invite my friend, Lida, and my housemate, Raya, to celebrate the old New Year for the three of us. I knew that my guests were non-drinkers, so I put a bottle of juice on the table. Just in case, I asked them if they would drink vodka or wine. Both of them shook their heads, "No." So, I also offered a Bulgarian liquer called "Bouquet". My guests did not need to be persuaded to taste it, so I brought a sample bottle with a capacity of 1.35 ounce and we finished this small bottle. It was on this occasion that Lida told the following story.

The year was 1984, when Lida was 36. She was resting at a campground near Belgorod-Dnestrovsky along with her co-workers and their families. The team had a fun and carefree time swimming, going to dances, singing and laughing until they dropped. Lida, as always, was the first to join in the singing and dancing.

One day they all went to a big dance. Except for Lida, everyone was dressed in shorts or jeans with tee shirts and sneakers. Lida wore a dress and high heels! At the dance one of Lida's acquaintances , Sergei, suggested she drink some dry wine. Lida refused at first. Until then, she had never tasted wine or liquor. "Taste it," urged Sergei, "it is like juice." Finally he persuaded her. Lida drank a glass of dry wine in several gulps. She suddenly felt unwell while everyone else continued to have fun.

No one noticed Lida leave the club with an unsteady gait. Outside, she slumped down on a bench. It was raining outside. Lida's head was in a blur. She looked up at the sky and saw huge southern stars above. Then, she turned her head and saw the same bright stars below. Lida was seized with confusion: "Where am I”, she thought, “if the stars are above and the stars are below? The stars are all around me!"

Feeling horror, Lida tried to get up from the bench, but she could only slipped and found herself  kneeling in a puddle. “Ah, this is why I see the stars all around me, I see them in the sky and below: they are reflected in a puddle,” cleared up in her head.

Lida staggered to her house. Her roommate, Zina, asked where she came from with such dirty knees and dirty shoes. “From there,” Lida murmured inaudibly, waving her hand vaguely. Then Zina took decisive action. "Put two fingers in your mouth," she commanded, "and try..." Lida followed all the instructions, “cleaned up”, and then fell into a deep sleep.

Since then, no one could force her to drink more than a thimble, even dry wine.