The Great Equalizer

Андрей Тарзалайнен
Death, the great equalizer,
The inevitable end for all.
It comes to us like a surprise,
No matter how much we may stall.

It takes us in its icy grip,
And leads us to the other side.
A journey we must all take,
No matter how much we may hide.

Some fear it, some embrace it,
For some it comes too soon.
It's a part of life's great cycle,
Like the waxing and waning of the moon.

It's a mystery, a great unknown,
A door we cannot see through.
But one thing we can be sure of,
It comes to me and it comes to you.

So let us live each day with purpose,
And cherish those we hold dear.
For death may come at any moment,
And we must face it without fear.

Let us find comfort in the knowledge,
That death is not the end.
But merely a transition,
To a new beginning, my friend.

9 марта 2023 г.

© Андрей Тарзалайнен, 2023.