5. Мой друг Давид Кин На англ яз

Горбунов Юрий Иванович
Chapter 5. David Keane

Life also led David in distant Australia into the New Age movement. After school, he studied quantum mechanics at university. He was called up into the army during the time of the terrible war in Vietnam.

He refused to become a soldier, taking a stand of open non-compliance. Then he worked as a labourer and public servant. All his life he was forced to overcome incredible difficulties. He married – his wife was afflicted with severe epilepsy. When his daughter was born, she was found to be deaf. He needed to care for them both. Then he himself became ill, forcing him to go on invalidity pension. He and his wife separated, and he moved to another city. It seemed that all things were turning out as failures. Why? – he agonised over this natural question. He found the answers in theosophy, in the books of Alice Bailey and the Tibetan. He started studying the Russian language, when the "iron curtain" between East and West collapsed. He began to seek out those of similar thought, in developing and former socialist countries. He founded a small group of co- workers under the name "East West Network Association", and began to produce an information newsletter "linking between East and West".

David believed in the success of what he was doing, and this provided for him strength, allowing him to struggle with his failing kidneys. In September 1997, he wrote in his newsletter;

"My marriage had just broken up, I had no house, car nor assets apart from a small typewriter, my health was extremely poor and it was as much as I could do to attend kidney dialysis three times a week, I was living in a remote corner of Australia, and I was totally inexperienced in esoteric and networking matters. Because I was retired from work and had some spare time I started to learn Russian language."
To find co-workers in Russia and Ukraine while living in remote Australia, was not so easy. But David found them. And shortly afterwards his newsletter was appearing in Moscow in the Russian language. Astrologers Karine Dilanian and Boris Boiko organised the translation and distribution.

David Keane wrote in the second issue of his newsletter: "The East West Network Newsletter was born in response to an appeal for communication and networking for servers in the Light between Russia and the West. Then when we were asked to link with groups in East Europe, we felt we could not refuse. Now we have received letters of appeal from servers lifting up the One Work in Siberia, Africa and China. And again we find we are called to open up our hearts to these groups also. The message of oneness that we share needs to be lived.

The Newsletter has a purpose of reaching around the world, to reawaken those less fortunate who are not able to receive information that others receive. A new Light, a new Dawning has come, and we offer our Newsletter to help distribute this new Light to those less fortunate. The purpose is to spark in the minds and hearts of men and women the importance of "group life", or community or unity. The purpose is to help them re-awaken to the message of their own heart – that we are all ONE.

This message reveals that we are all connected despite our outer apparent differences; that as we realise our Oneness with each other, the more will the flame of love burn bright and the sooner will the great reawakening of humanity take place. This future re-awakening is called by some the Externalisation of the Hierarchy; by some it is called the Reappearance of the Christ; some seek the coming of an Avatar; others seek the Christ Light burning brightly in their own hearts, irradiating the flame of love-light in the third eye.

Our task then is to communicate these things, to spread the Good News, to remind people of what they inwardly already know.
Yours in Love and Light, David Keane."

From his pension, David allocated a regular small sum of money for the material help of co-workers in Africa and Russia. Part of this donation he used to acquire books which he sent to his contacts, including inside Russia. Not everyone in the group felt assured of the success of the new enterprise. They gradually left the work, leaving nearly all the financial burden loaded upon the shoulders of the founder. David did not despair, but continued the work he had begun until March 1988. He understood, that without material support for co-workers in countries with miserable levels of living, corrupted by atheistic ideology and ignorant "leaders" as he found was the case in Russia and Ukraine, then to unite East and West would be impossible. He sent some books, and they disappeared without a race  in the post office. He sought travelers to Europe who could courier the books with them. To send money through the postal services into Russia or Ukraine was, as he understood, foolishness. He patiently sought out people, who agreed to bring over money, provided as material support for a few students studying esotericism independently through English publications, in particular the books of Alice Bailey.
David and I gradually became acquainted with each other. When we first made contact, he understood Russian quite well. We exchanged letters, each writing in his native language: I in Russian and he to me in English.

David understood that the circle of co-workers could expand only by way of establishing an esoteric correspondence school, in which courses are provided like those provided in similar schools in the West. Probably, the choice was towards me, because I already was familiar with esoteric philosophy, I am proficient in the English language and because I had formed the School of Mysteries in Simferopol in 1994.

The establishing of communication links between the East and West was an idea obviously possible only after the conclusion of the "Cold War". Then in Russia the Roerich Movement was widely emerging, Russia began to join into the Western economic system, the people became free to attend church or admit to any viewpoint. And even though having the facility of mass information, with all its attention given over to the new politics, socialism and economic processes, the development there of the new spiritual foundations for the New Russia, a multi-national society, was hidden and un-noticed. The change in consciousness and thinking of the people is going un-noticed by the eye. David has devoted his service activity to the study of these changes.

David possesses a fine intuition. He foresaw, that it would be inevitable for a connection between the East and the West, to become established on spiritual realms. He deeply believes in the words of the Masters. In their words, the New Russia holds the seeds for the new world religion. No-one knows, when that religion will appear in the light. One thing is obvious: the New Teaching will be born on Russian soil. It clearly defines the fundamental problem confronting all of contemporary humanity, and  not before just part of it. Today the most important problem, is to build the spiritual bridge between East and West. To the resolution of this problem, David Keane, our friend so distant and yet so close, has devoted his life.