It is not a Catch me if you can case

Дмитрий Саврацкий
Be capable, and do not spoil the possibilities which you can prematurely destroy!!! - it s an advise to you from me, a man who enrolled in medicaluni at age 44 in order to fulfil his own dream - to get a higher degree in Medicine, and completed his studies at 49, internship in 50, became a head of Pharmacy in a military unit, runned 2 24 hours ultramarathones -112 km and 113 km without any special training, became almost fluent in two languages- Polish and english after almost failure on a first course in Pedagogical Uni studying Modern languages (one of them was English)..., quite successful with opposite sex (being 53? dated a a girl 23), writer who got about 175 000readres etc

And it is not a Catch me if you can case:)

3 03 2023

p s
Читателей: 178800

kinda selfmade man:)