Hopeful Poem

Андрей Тарзалайнен
Hope brings a warmth to winter's chill,
And blooms in spring's fresh air,
It whispers softly in our hearts,
And reminds us to not despair.

Yet, hope can also be elusive,
A bird that's hard to catch,
And oftentimes it seems to fly,
Just out of our humble reach.

But still, we search and strive and yearn,
For that thing that never fades,
The feathered hope that stays with us,
Through all life's twists and shades.

So let us hold onto that hope,
With all our hearts and minds,
For in it lies a power great,
To leave our fears behind.

24 февраля 2023 г.

© Андрей Тарзалайнен, 2023.