Article 31 How the illusory nature of Matter is ov

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Good day, Friends! As before, we study 15 amon of the book "Kalagiya". The concentration of information in each pramon is so great that an article is obtained from one of them ... although there is enough Knowledge for a book. This is all because we are talking about the Eternal Truths and the Infinity of Existence. My friends ask me questions: "Why do you write these articles if only 1-2 people read them?" My answer is this. Having studied the Laws of the Universe, which God transmitted to this World through Larisa Alexandrovna Seklitova, I realized that at every Level of Existence and in every World at this Level, the Almighty reveals to the Essences the Truth, accessible to understanding at this moment of Time. Therefore, by studying the Eternal Truths, we enrich the matrix of our Soul with a unique composite of energies, which, after various transformations, becomes part of our Essence.

The book "Kalagiya" also carries great Power with its message and will be needed by subsequent generations (if this degrading civilization survives this Apocalypse) and will become the basis for their further development. Comprehension of the Unconditional Truth, Unconditional Beauty, the Supreme and the All-Good gives great joy and happiness to the Seeker, and these feelings are not superficial and fleeting, but give a person a feeling of the fullness of Being. Maybe I am mistaken in some of my interpretations of "Kalagia", but in any case, an attempt was made to understand the Eternal Truths and there is a request for a deeper insight into the essence of things. And if there is a request, then the answers will be received.

I am not a contactee and do not want to be one. People who receive information flows are called upon to bring new knowledge to people, but the contactees themselves often lack the strength and time to analyze what they have received and understand the depth. My works are aimed at making readers think, find imperfections in my interpretations and try to search for the Truth even deeper. The people of even our civilization were given many saints, prophets, teachers, whom, according to established tradition, people bypassed or somehow discredited. Such is the age of the Kali Yuga. But that is the intention of the Creators of this World, to make a person think, develop his thinking and search by asking questions through situations and circumstances. The last one is a big problem. The ego of mankind is so inflated by the negative system of God (within the framework of the Divine project) that people "know everything" and consider it the highest virtue - successful functioning in the visible range of the physical world. But since the representatives of the negative system managed to inflate the pride of people so much, then tests came: a pandemic, wars, earthquakes. Many people think that soon everything will end and the old life will begin. Not at all. Now the forces of the Hierarchy of Chaos will do their job, destroying civilization to the very foundations from which the degradation of the 5th race began.

I mentioned Andrei Shalygin and his theory of the chessboard in one of the articles. He compares our visible world - the world of Antichrist, the world without Love with a chessboard and says that it has the shape of a cube. This means that in our world there are 6 players, as it was said in the film "The Idea" by Dmitry Architect. Look for an excerpt from this movie. There about the players in detail and clearly said. But if we return to the chessboard, then we recall the usual end of the game - there are always very few players left, and sometimes only 2. Then the Game starts anew. What options are provided for our civilization, I do not know. I don’t like forecasts, as this is the destiny of the negative system of God, in order to direct the development of events in the right direction for them, but I know that immersion in the study of the Truth, the Unconditional Beauty of the Almighty will give us the necessary composite of energies to start building another reality.

"5. Soul is the Body of the Spirit;

Worlds - Spirit Memory Content;

Illusion - Offering Worlds of one's own Content to the Spirit.

The body of the Spirit, that is, the Soul, should be kept clean from the Illusion of the World. Then the Memory of the Spirit will not be obscured by the Illusion of the World, then the Soul will remain unobscured by the Illusion of the World, then the Soul will remain unobscured by the temporality of alternatives, then the World will be preserved in the Memory of the Spirit by the purity of its Fire" (A.P. Naumkin. Kalagiya. Moscow. 1992)[1 ].

As we found out in the previous article, the Soul is a holographic deposit of the Information of the Spirit in Matter and is an information-energy field for the bearer. The worlds as the Content of the Memory of the Spirit can be considered on the scale of the Eternal Spirit, which comes from the Almighty and pervades the worlds.
Good day, Friends! As before, we study 15 amon of the book "Kalagiya". The concentration of information in each pramon is so great that an article is obtained from one of them ... although there is enough Knowledge for a book. This is all because we are talking about the Eternal Truths and the Infinity of Existence. My friends ask me questions: "Why do you write these articles if only 1-2 people read them?" My answer is this. Having studied the Laws of the Universe, which God transmitted to this World through Larisa Alexandrovna Seklitova, I realized that at every Level of Existence and in every World at this Level, the Almighty reveals to the Essences the Truth, accessible to understanding at this moment of Time. Therefore, by studying the Eternal Truths, we enrich the matrix of our Soul with a unique composite of energies, which, after various transformations, becomes part of our Essence.

The book "Kalagiya" also carries great Power with its message and will be needed by subsequent generations (if this degrading civilization survives this Apocalypse) and will become the basis for their further development. Comprehension of the Unconditional Truth, Unconditional Beauty, the Supreme and the All-Good gives great joy and happiness to the Seeker, and these feelings are not superficial and fleeting, but give a person a feeling of the fullness of Being. Maybe I am mistaken in some of my interpretations of "Kalagia", but in any case, an attempt was made to understand the Eternal Truths and there is a request for a deeper insight into the essence of things. And if there is a request, then the answers will be received.

I am not a contactee and do not want to be one. People who receive information flows are called upon to bring new knowledge to people, but the contactees themselves often lack the strength and time to analyze what they have received and understand the depth. My works are aimed at making readers think, find imperfections in my interpretations and try to search for the Truth even deeper. The people of even our civilization were given many saints, prophets, teachers, whom, according to established tradition, people bypassed or somehow discredited. Such is the age of the Kali Yuga. But that is the intention of the Creators of this World, to make a person think, develop his thinking and search by asking questions through situations and circumstances. The last one is a big problem. The ego of mankind is so inflated by the negative system of God (within the framework of the Divine project) that people "know everything" and consider it the highest virtue - successful functioning in the visible range of the physical world. But since the representatives of the negative system managed to inflate the pride of people so much, then tests came: a pandemic, wars, earthquakes. Many people think that soon everything will end and the old life will begin. Not at all. Now the forces of the Hierarchy of Chaos will do their job, destroying civilization to the very foundations from which the degradation of the 5th race began.

I mentioned Andrei Shalygin and his theory of the chessboard in one of the articles. He compares our visible world - the world of Antichrist, the world without Love with a chessboard and says that it has the shape of a cube. This means that in our world there are 6 players, as it was said in the film "The Idea" by Dmitry Architect. Look for an excerpt from this movie. There about the players in detail and clearly said. But if we return to the chessboard, then we recall the usual end of the game - there are always very few players left, and sometimes only 2. Then the Game starts anew. What options are provided for our civilization, I do not know. I don’t like forecasts, as this is the destiny of the negative system of God, in order to direct the development of events in the right direction for them, but I know that immersion in the study of the Truth, the Unconditional Beauty of the Almighty will give us the necessary composite of energies to start building another reality.

"5. Soul is the Body of the Spirit;

Worlds - Spirit Memory Content;

Illusion - Offering Worlds of one's own Content to the Spirit.

The body of the Spirit, that is, the Soul, should be kept clean from the Illusion of the World. Then the Memory of the Spirit will not be obscured by the Illusion of the World, then the Soul will remain unobscured by the Illusion of the World, then the Soul will remain unobscured by the temporality of alternatives, then the World will be preserved in the Memory of the Spirit by the purity of its Fire" (A.P. Naumkin. Kalagiya. Moscow. 1992)[1 ].
The Authors also say that the Hierarchy is a systematization of the Levels and carries the energy of the Spirit, "which, passing through various worlds, is modified by the psychophysical impact transmitted downward from a higher Level to a lower one" [2]. The energy of the Spirit, in my opinion, is the driving force of God, which has a huge energy potential. The Spirit manifests its power during the psychophysical influence of the Higher Beings on Essences that are lower in the Level, transforming through a chain of connections from a more powerful potential to a weaker one. At the same time, the potential of the Energy of the Spirit at each Level is distributed according to the energy pumping of the given world. Energy pumping means the concentration of energy per unit volume for any stage of development"
"From the previous laws, we learned that any form in the Universe, in particular the Essence and the Soul, have a specific nominal value (the potential can be represented in numerical terms). The development of the Soul is based on the possibility of influencing its numerical code in order to change the "cybernetic image" , as written in the book"
“So how does the transformation of the Spirit from the Highest Mentors down the steps of the Hierarchy take place? and constructive transformation of energy into a more subtle plane. The basis of the Soul, during its creation, is laid all the individual basic energies necessary for its development. Submission in the Hierarchy to the Highest Mentors and their psychophysical impact on developing Essences changes these Single indicators, transforming the original structure ( commensurate power, in the words of the Authors). "The structure of the Hierarchy changes the given correlation of the existing progressions, constantly increasing each nominal part (unit) to an infinite transformative process" "" (L.A. Seklitova. L.L. Strelnikova. Laws of the Universe or the foundations of the existence of the Divine Hierarchies, Moscow, 2017 Official website of the Authors h ttps:// [2]
That is, at the moment of the Point of Time, the Real Eternal Spirit (as well as Its conditional fragmentation into smaller formations) is a psi-factor, which, in the process of its Movement, formed from interaction with the Fire of Space (which is its Consciousness), manifests the Worlds (and other similar education). After this act of Creation, the Worlds become the Content of the Spirit's Memory (its Past), which is no less relevant, like the Time Point Present or Future, it just occupies a certain place in the structure of Creation. If we take the Higher Mind - the Soul of the World, then it also manifests the existing areas of quantum reality by the Present Moment of Time. “Therefore, Matter produces a mass of various types of energy, but all of them can disappear if the Movement of the Fire of the Spirit, set in Movement through Matter, passes through the movements of the energies of Matter.

Then Matter itself will disappear, and it disappears forever, as a real reality, but it always remains in the form of the eternal Memory of the self-contemplating Spirit in its Fire, by the power of which the Spirit reproduces Matter in all details so that the life of Matter does not decrease and does not stop.

An example of this is immersion in Vidzhl-Space, in Nirvana, that is, in fact, in the Space of the Spirit)" (A.P. Naumkin. Kalagia. 14 amon. 4 pramon. Moscow. 1992).

Further, in 5 pramon 15 amon there is an even more in-depth understanding of the Illusion. The Law of the Universe also describes in detail the process of creating the Illusion:

"Further, the Authors of the book "Laws of the Universe or the foundations of the existence of the Divine Hierarchy" say that illusory substances are used to supplement the real visible world with some objects and refer to holograms. Both illusion and holograms are created in a computer center using a numerical method and a technical device. The object of illusion is created in the imagination of the Higher ones - through numerical combinations by the Higher calculators and translated into a coded form - through technical devices it unfolds into holographic images. "Both of them pass through the computing center, the hologram remains a hologram, and the illusion is transformed through the Essence individual into the figurative form of those objects, which this Essence is able to understand and comprehend. The objects of illusion at different Levels are their own, and are intended for specific purposes" [1].

Further, the Authors of the book "Laws of the Universe or the foundations of the existence of the Divine Hierarchy" say that illusory substances are used to supplement the real visible world with some objects and refer to holograms. Both the illusion and the holograms are created in a computer center using a numerical method and a technical device. The object of illusion is created in the imagination of the Higher ones - through numerical combinations by the Higher calculators and translated into a coded form - through technical devices it unfolds into holographic images. "Both of them pass through the computing center, the hologram remains a hologram, and the illusion is transformed through the Essence individual into the figurative form of those objects that this Essence is able to understand and comprehend. The objects of illusion at different Levels are their own, and are intended for specific purposes" [1].

The hologram precedes the illusion and is built specifically for a particular world through calculation and numerical coding, and then placed in the desired location. The hologram is an artificial object and exists for the Essence as part of the real world, although the true world is completely different. The essence builds its illusions in the personal imagination on the basis of holograms, creating illusory mental images that do not apply to the existing world, but only to artificial objects of the real world" [2] -illyuzii-01-07.

The author of "Kalagia" says that it is necessary to keep the Soul clean from the Illusion of the World. As, for example, in our World in the 5th civilization there was a struggle for lands, resources, power. That is, the World itself, as part of the large planet Midgard of the Earth, is real, has its own properties and qualities, produces certain energies under the influence of the Higher Mind (the Soul of Creation that came for certain development lessons). This is designated in the Laws of the Universe as a basic reality, and for each civilization its own superstructure is created - the Illusory Representation of the World, which takes into account the level of awareness of its inhabitants and their imperfections, which must be worked out. Each illusory situation is educational.

Also in the book "Laws of the Universe or the foundations of the existence of the Divine Hierarchy" it is told how situations are created on the subtle plane. Number-code values are laid there, that is, the energies of certain qualities that will attract these particular participants. Learning in our world goes through disappointment, suffering, loss, and so on. A person stops suffering only after he expands his consciousness (the amount of perceived information of the world, after which he begins to see causal relationships. This is taught by many spiritual directions and an important stage on this path of asceticism. That is, keeping the Soul clean is not succumbing to temptations of the world, but to be focused on the Almighty (as far as possible) and remember the frailty of Being.Then only "the Soul will remain unobscured by the temporality of alternatives, then the World will be preserved in the Memory of the Spirit by the purity of its Fire" [1], which is the World in its basic reality. Patience and perseverance to us on the path of the ascent of our Spirit along the steps of the Hierarchy of God!!!