Article 25 How does the transmutation of the brain

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Good day, Friends! Today we continue to study 12 amon.

"9. In order to avoid illusion and really improve, it is necessary to systematically carry out work to improve Consciousness, Reason, Reason and Thought using imagination, representation, impression and sensation through attention and perception."

10. When a cosmic ray unites with the Fire of Thought, then enlightenment sets in. A cosmic ray acts as a detonator, an exploding factor: when a cosmic ray hits a brain tense with Thought, a flash occurs, igniting the Thought: the brain begins, as it were, to luminesce. Thought is illuminated by Light from within itself. Under the influence of tension, vibration, rhythm of the moving Thought (they are created by the information content introduced by the brain into the Thought), ignited from within by a cosmic ray, human brain tissues begin to transmute. Consciousness expands, that is, the brain as an apparatus for perceiving higher energies - Consciousness, Thought, Psychic energy, and Information in them passing through the brain, becomes more perfect, more refined, more capable of receiving these energies and Information in them passing through the brain.

This happens instantly, that is, the launch of the evolutionary processes of the brain is carried out instantly - at the moment of perception of the cosmic ray" (A.P. Naumkin. Kalagia. 1992) [1].

In the book "Laws of the Universe or the foundations of the existence of the Divine Hierarchy" L.A. Seklitova and L.L. Strelnikova (hereinafter referred to as the Authors) is


"The trinity in a person consists in the combination of three components in him: the physical body, several "thin" bodies and the soul. The soul exercises control over the other two parts" (L.A. Seklitova. L.L. Sterelnikova. Laws of the Universe or the foundations of the existence of the Divine Hierarchies, Volume 2. Moscow, 2017) Official website of the Authors [2]. All three parts are different types of matter, but at the same time they are united into a single whole by a common human structure, which is designed for the long term. The transformation of this form is associated with the acquisition of new energies by it and the filling of the matrix volume of the Soul with them (each cell collects the energy of its own quality). In the trinity of the human form, the Soul is an eternal Unit (Absolute), which has the ability to acquire new things and progress endlessly. At the same time, the physical body and the energy body (a set of subtle bodies) are the underlying basis of the Soul. The physical body and some energy bodies are temporary, and some of the subtle bodies serve as protection and are able to progress forever. The physical body is negatively charged, and the energy body is positively charged and the processes developing in them are opposite, but together all bodies work in a coordinated manner" .

I can assume that the Biocomputer, the Impulse Ring or the Sphere of Existence, which are part of the human structure, are also built on a triune basis, where the spinal cord and brain structures are negatively charged, and the subtle components are positively charged so that there is a different polarity that creates energy for the movement of Thought inside a person. And in the finest structure of the Biocomputer, Consciousness is a control system where experience (energy) is accumulated. Reason has a negative charge, and Reason is positive and, thanks to this bipolarity, this biosphere works around the human head, generating or accepting and processing Thoughts. It turns out that if any part of this system does not work well enough, then the Impulse Ring does not rotate, because the energy is not supplied. Spiritual practices restore the balance of the physical body and its subtle structures, thereby helping the smooth outflow of energy and the Fire of Thought has a sufficiently high tension, vibration and rhythm.

Further, depending on the information content of the Thought, from Above, from the Mentor of the Soul or Essence, which owns the necessary energies (so to speak, is competent in the field of the Seeker’s Thoughts), a cosmic ray of a certain quality and properties of energy is sent, which in this process acts as a detonator or an active factor. At the same time, a flash occurs, igniting the Thought, and the brain begins to luminesce (apparently, this can be seen with subtle vision). And further, the Thought, illuminated by a cosmic ray through the flow of Light from within, begins to transmute the brain tissues, expanding the Consciousness. In my opinion, the expansion of consciousness is an increase in the range of perception of received information flows and the ability to harmoniously include them in the picture of one's world. Alexander Petrovich says in his book that the brain, as an apparatus for perceiving higher energies (the brain also has such a function), becomes more perfect, refined and able to perceive the information component of the energy flow. Let me remind you that the information-energy field is divided into 5 points that carry information: Plasma, Fire, Light (voltage), Heat (vibration or vibration frequencies), Tincture (rhythm or wavelength).And the information itself is also divided into 5 components that are processed by the Impulse ring and it enters the corresponding organs of perception: Spatial tactile orientation; telescopic vision; Spatial hearing; Structural sense of smell; Tincture taste (vibration of thought).

Pramon 10 says that the launch of this evolutionary moment of the brain (its next transmutation) occurs instantly at the moment of perception of the cosmic ray.

"11. Perception is always preceded by attention - focusing on the flow of Thought and its informational content. It is Thought that determines the transmutation of brain tissues; the informational content of Thought, introduced into its movement by the brain, determines the direction of human Evolution, corrects its cosmic position. Cosmic ray - accelerator these processes.

12. The degree of enlightenment depends on the tension, vibration and rhythm of the movement of the Thought and, accordingly, on the degree of concentration of the Consciousness on the informational content of the Thought.

13. During the period of brain transmutation, the connection of physical tissues with the structures of the Body of the Spirit takes place. This allows, under certain actions, to illuminate the memory of the Essence.

14. The connection of the physical tissues of the brain with the structures of the Body of the Spirit occurs instantly at the moment of ignition of the Thought by a cosmic ray. Enlightenment comes, but in front of it - insight clears the Consciousness with an instant flash. Illumination is instant, enlightenment is a longer process: from several minutes to several years. But everything that is acquired during the period of enlightenment was perceived by the brain at the moment of insight.

15. As already mentioned, a flash of Light illuminates the mind when the Fire of Consciousness unites with the Fire of Thought. At this moment, the cosmic ray penetrates into the brain, corresponding to Consciousness and Thought and their content, as a cosmic aid to enlightenment. The like is attracted. Therefore, a cosmic ray (of a quality determined by the content of the Thought) is directed by space to the source of the swarming of the Thought.

16. Of course, the Fire of Consciousness and the Fire of Thought do not unite spontaneously - a spark is needed. A spark is caused by a cosmic ray. And the more intense the Consciousness and Thought, the more enlightenment embraces the greater space of the cosmos of the mind. But the cosmic ray is not the only means to achieve insight, especially since it cannot always penetrate the poisoned layers of the earth's atmosphere"[1].

Friends, one of the functions of the book "Kalagiya" is the creation of Thoughts in the information-energy field, which will have high rates, and everyone who will allow them into their Sphere of Existence and feed them with the Fire of their Consciousness will receive such insights and make an evolutionary leap. This process just rebuilds thinking from level 3 density to level 4. And this, in turn, makes it possible for the Seeker to use the fields of possibilities of 4 density. The second function of the book is to reveal the properties of the new space and open up an understanding of its internal structure. In fact, after mastering the information of "Kalagiya" a person will be able to answer the question: "Who am I", already at a higher level of understanding. The reality in which we used to live was also built on the basis of quantum physics and quantum Time, but we were taught from childhood to use only part of the possibilities of the space where we develop. We only had a linear perception of Time.

From the book of the Authors "Laws of the Universe or the foundations of the existence of the Divine Hierarchy" we learn: "The Trinity, which is the Absolute in the end, is beyond time limits, since units of time disappear with infinite evolution. THIS LAW UNITES MATTER EXISTING IN DIFFERENT DIMENSIONS: A PHYSICAL BODY, FOR EXAMPLE, STAYS IN FOUR DIMENSIONS, TWO SHELLS APPROXIMATE TO A MATERIAL BODY EXIST IN FIVE DIMENSIONS, AND THE OTHER SHELLS ARE ABLE TO STAY IN ALL OTHER DIMENSIONS Therefore, the law unites multidimensional processes, carrying out coded transitions from one state to another through coded transitions from one state to another The purpose of the law is to achieve many diverse transformations of the soul in the transition to the field of multidimensional existence, to achieve new indivisible configurations in their own structure in order to achieve the creation and preservation of a unique personality personality ”[2] Zakony-Mirozdaniya-Zakon-tr iedinstva-v-cheloveke-01-09.

In 4th density, it is important to connect the knowledge of the Essence (our subtle component, the Soul), accumulated in previous incarnations, with the knowledge accumulated in this Life. This requires brain transmutation. And such Insights just contribute to the connection of the physical brain and subtle structures, that is, it launches the work of the Biocomputer to higher resolution capabilities.

"17. You can connect the Fires of Consciousness and Thought by a sudden release of Fire from any energy of the physical body. For example, a flash (a discharge of Psychic energy or its semblance - a discharge of A-energy called Kundalini, or a discharge of such energies as sensation, impression, representation and imagination. Although the last four forms of energy are produced by Thought, but by the appropriate upbringing of the mind, they can have their own Consciousness, following the main one and not contradicting the main one, that is, they can be obedient to Consciousness and produce a discharge (release of Fire from themselves) at the first demand of Consciousness, namely when the mind considers it possible to unite the Fire of Consciousness with the Fire of Thought.

Of course, any of these methods is of little use in the low poisonous layers of the atmosphere - heights are needed where the energies are pure and the Fire is even, where Prana connects the ascetic with Nature" [1].

Alexander Petrovich, by his example, shows us how to get out of the system of the old matrix, undergo a transformation with high energies and become a more perfect person. He also speaks of the possibilities of the physical body in this case, as of higher ones - a longer life expectancy. Probably, there are long-livers on our Earth who have been living here for more than one hundred years (for example, Ashwathama from the Mahabharata period), but they are not available for communication and keep their secrets. And the mission of Alexander Naumkin was to help humanity in the transition period. Maybe he will also live for more than one hundred years, thanks to his austerities. And the next generation, which will read "Kalagia", will also ask about the fate of this Russian sorcerer, but no one will know where he is.

In the 17th pramon, we learned that it is possible to connect the Fires of Consciousness and Thoughts by releasing energy. I have thought about this topic in previous articles. This pramone is complemented by the fact that energy can also be taken from the A-energy of Kundalini, from Psychic energy (the human psyche, as one of the parts of his Biocomputer, accumulates certain energies). By the way, the matrix of the Human Soul acts as a flash drive, on which the information of the Essence accumulates from incarnation to incarnation. Its quantity and quality determine the energy power. You can read about this in the books of L.A. Seklitova and L.L. Strelnikova. Sensation, impression, representation and imagination have their own consciousness and accumulate energy, which can also be used in meditative practices. But, as Alexander Petrovich warns us, for serious meditative practices "you need heights where the energies are pure and the Fire is even, where Prana connects the ascetic with Nature" [1]. Let's transform our obscurations, get enlightenment and move upward along the evolutionary spiral!