Article 22 What is the Sphere of Being, Logos, Imp

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Good day, Friends! In this series of articles, I try to analyze the wonderful book by A.P. Naumkin "Kalagiya". Large heads are called amons, and parts of their components are pramons according to
author's terminology. Each pramon is a condensed piece of information that needs to be pondered over. It can be unpacked, for example, into such an article or into a whole book. It really depends on the abilities of the one who reflects on it. Sometimes, to comprehend the meaning of even the smallest amon, you need to spend quite a lot of time on it. I am sharing my understanding to show one of the many meanings that each pramone can contain. Today we are studying 11 amon.

"1. Man is a three-centered being: the spinal cord provides the energy called Consciousness; the left hemisphere of the brain is in charge of understanding, more precisely, inferring what is contained in the memory and what is perceived directly in the current moment of attention. This inference is carried out by modeling, comparison, reasoning, which is called Reason; the right hemisphere of the brain provides perception, manages the work of the senses and carries out memorization. These are the three centers of human nature. But there is also a fourth center that produces energy, called Thought. This center is the logos, the Sphere of Being, the center of whose circle is everywhere ", the circle itself has no boundaries. This energy, Thought, provides a connection between the three centers of human nature - the spinal cord (Consciousness), the left hemisphere (Reason), and the right hemisphere (Reason) - between themselves in a person and a person with the world "(A P. Naumkin, Kalagiya, Moscow, 1992) [1].

Very detailed information about the Logos or the Center of Human Being can be found in the works of the authors L.A. Seklitova and L.L. Strelnikova and this thin device is called the Impulse Ring in their terminology. It probably received such a name because it receives impulses from the Mentor of the Soul and various Beings from the subtle plane. After all, information comes from them in the form of number-coded values, which are a bunch of energy that carries a certain charge (impulse) to the one for whom it is intended.

Psychologists cannot say exactly which part of the body is responsible for Consciousness. They mainly studied its properties and qualities. But Alexander Petrovich points out that it is located in the spine - (... the spinal cord provides energy called Consciousness ...). Taking into account the Eastern teachings about Kundalini energy, it can be assumed that a high manifestation of Consciousness is possible if a person intentionally in practices or unconsciously (workings from past lives or influence from a subtle plane for certain purposes) can control this energy. On the subtle plane, in the region of the spinal column, there are two channels, Ida and Pengalala, and the Kundalini energy itself rests in the Muladhara Chakra (lower part of the body in the coccyx region). This energy rises through the channels and goes to the head. As shown in the pictures from "Kalagia" (17th article), this energy can be twisted in various ways after it comes out of the crown, for example, rotated around the body in the form of a TOR. With this level of practice, a person can already perceive the possibilities of the 4th dimension (to live in another dimension), and his Sphere of Existence will have huge dimensions in the usual state. In order to reach such a level of work with these energies, you need to do spiritual practices (think, deifying thoughts), but first of all, you need to increase your ethical level. So the phrase: "clear your consciousness" directly indicates that you need to clear the channels of perception, switch your attention to a higher range of energies - at least form an intention about it. "This energy, Thought, ensures the connection of the three centers of human nature - the spinal cord (Consciousness), the left hemisphere (Reason), and the right hemisphere (Reason) - between themselves in a person and a person with the world" [1]. Intention (formed Thought) launches the process of work of the physical brain - the left and right hemispheres, and the Sphere of Being itself rotates (depending on the energy saturation of a person's Thought) at a greater or lesser speed, and also occupies a certain volume in the space around the individual. The higher the range of energy frequencies a person works with, the brighter the halo appears to those who see it, and it can also acquire different shades of colors.

[IMPULSE RING [‹lat. impulsus blow, push] -
a subtle structure, located at a distance of 3-10 cm above the human head (nimbus), works in close relationship with the physical brain. It has the shape of a three-dimensional ring, serves to receive impulses from the Determinant, impulses from the program and contributes to the mental activity of a person. During the day, during mental activity, it rotates in one direction (in the absence of thinking it stands), at night it rotates in the other direction "Seklitova L.A., Strelnikova L.L. "Dictionary of Space Philosophy"
Inst: @kineziatv, VK: Enlightenment, #TVK"

“The impulse ring is part of the basic structure of a person. It is formed after the birth of a child and should be fully formed by the age of five.

Its formation is controlled by the Determinant. After the center-brain is fully formed, the Determinant puts it into operation. He connects the child's brain center to his computer. And then he already controls his ward through a computer that records his physical condition, thoughts, feelings and the compliance of actions with a given program.

The impulse ring contains two types of energy: positive and negative (Fig. 5). Due to the energy potential difference, the ring rotates and its work is carried out. The initial energy for the mental activity of a person comes to him from the computer of the Determinant as some kind of database that he needs to work on

specific period of time. A person, while he is alive and fulfilling his program, is constantly connected by a communication channel to the Determinant leading him through life, or rather, not to himself, but to his computer, which stores all the data about a person: both about all his physical and subtle structures. Therefore, the initial energy for mental activity comes from the computer of the Determinant to the center-brain, which, rotating, sends impulses to the physical brain. The impulse ring, the center-brain, is an intermediate state of matter that serves as an intermediary base between the subtle matter of the Determinant and the gross matter of a person. Any impulse is a clot of encoded information. The impulse sent to the brain is decoded into voluminous detailed information, but not without the help of the center-brain " By clicking on this link, you can learn more about the Impulse Ring. This information is taken from books L.A. Sekltova and L.L. Strelnikova.

I have been studying the work of these authors for many years and I am convinced of the veracity of the information they receive. It turns out that life flies before the eyes at the moment of death because the disk (impulse ring) is being rewound. And please note that the Higher Beings through Larisa Alexandrovna have already openly told about the structure of our quantum world - the Impulse Ring through the Determinant (Mentor of the Soul on the subtle plane) is connected to the computer on the subtle plane, which means that the Impulse Ring, the Sphere of Human Existence is his Biocomputer, which V. Bronnikov has been talking about and studying in practice for decades.

In the early 2000s, my son and I visited his school and successfully completed the 1st stage of education. Even then I realized that the biocomputer works if there is enough energy, and also if this system has developed from life to life, or if the personality itself is of cosmic origin. Before working with a biocomputer at the Bronnikov School, they first did exercises to pump energy. Then the operator (team leader) introduced those present into a light trance and each displayed the given images on the screen of his internal monitor. At the first stage, we built a matrix of 9 cells, in which a number of numbers were determined in various sequences. The operator then asked about the columns and diagonals of these digits in a different order. At the second stage of training, children and adults (there were only a few of them with a well-functioning Biocomputer) were given the task to reproduce a matrix with a large number of cells on the screen of their internal monitor, and a small poem was dictated, which had to be "recorded" and immediately reproduced. In fact, such exercises developed a visual channel of perception. All these are the initial stages of turning on the superpowers of a person. Children in this school could function with their eyes closed - play volleyball, read books, move freely in space. Therefore, Larisa Seklitova in her books says that children of the 6th race will be more intellectually developed and will have extrasensory abilities, that is, the capabilities of the brain will be used by more than 50%.

Such schools, as well as psychics with high paranormal abilities, have always been controlled by the state - the control system. And taking into account that our world is at the minus first Level of the Hierarchy (essentially in the pyramid of the Devil), then the ruling elite is dark. After the last steps of the Bronnikov school, especially gifted children were taken to Moscow to work on government programs. There is such a system as reconnaissance through sleepers. That is, these are high-order contactors. And wars and the seizure of resources between states are now being waged on a subtle plane. Such is the world. I think that for this reason many talented people do not discover their superpowers.

Such schools, as well as psychics with high paranormal abilities, have always been controlled by the state - the control system. And taking into account that our world is at the minus first Level of the Hierarchy (essentially in the pyramid of the Devil), then the ruling elite is dark. After the last steps of the Bronnikov school, especially gifted children were taken to Moscow to work on government programs. There is such a system as reconnaissance through sleepers. That is, these are high-order contactors. And wars and the seizure of resources between states are now being waged on a subtle plane. Such is the world. I think that for this reason many talented people do not discover their superpowers.

Now a scope has been opened for them in the field of contacting with a subtle plane: to receive information for individuals (communication with the dead, for example), to receive streaming information for use in any field of science, to obtain esoteric knowledge, to communicate with the Mentor of the Soul, for forecasting and so on. Many schools and courses have appeared to discover the great possibilities of the Human Biocomputer, and their graduates then conduct private practice and create blogs on the Internet. But the first who gave the name to this fine structure, studied its properties and found practical application was V. Bronnikov. And the very first who pointed out the existence of this structure was Alexander Naumkin. His book was published in 1992. Larisa Alesandrovna from the beginning of 2000 also described the Biocomputer (Impulse Ring). For such high contactees as A. Naumkin and L. Seklitova, the Impulse Ring is apparently very powerful, because the information that they teach from the subtle plane has a high energy charge.

I have been watching the work of contactees on the Internet for many years. All of them have a connection with Essences of the subtle plane of various levels of development, which belong to positive, negative or neutral systems (this applies to both contactees and Essences from the subtle plane themselves). Some of them have developed the power of their potential, but Reason (right hemisphere) or Intelligence (left hemisphere) is not well developed or there are blocks that prevent the free passage of energy. These blocks are worked out with psychologists, regressologists and other specialists working with these subtle structures. Sometimes contactees lack the tincture of seeing the subtle plane. To do this, you need to engage in self-knowledge, meditations and other practices aimed at introspection, as well as study spiritual literature, which is essentially the developments in this area of psychics, seers, philosophers, contactees of previous generations. What I write about in this article, for 90% of the population will seem at best my fantasies. This is the situation because the dark elite has been ruling for hundreds of years, ridiculing and controlling such technologies in order to keep the population confused and impose their ideology. Since the 90s of the last century, streams of such information have poured in, because humanity has entered the stage of transition of civilizations. And to prepare for the arrival of the 6th race, higher energies are needed.

Next, I want to share my observations. It happens that the contactee has not yet very experienced Soul and the matrix of words or concepts is not filled enough. In this case, no matter how high the Essence such a person communicates with, he will not be able to perceive the information accurately. Sometimes high Essences can choose such a contactee for the transfer of important information according to the parameters of energy fullness so that the high-vibration energy does not burn their channels. In this case, there is streaming information that the recipient himself is not aware of, but the one who conducts the session must write it down in order to work with it in the future.

Sometimes it’s very funny to see such contactees who, with a smart look, then try to explain the information received, but it simply wasn’t for them and you see people on YouTube channels who are trying to explain what they can’t understand in this incarnation. Often you want to say to such a contactee that you should not make your own conclusions. Such a mistake is often made by contactees of a fairly high level. Everyone has wrong attitudes and stereotypes of society that have been formed in this incarnation. If the receiver of streaming information does not work with his blocks of consciousness, then even quite high and correctly received information can be distorted during interpretation.

Sometimes bloggers get addicted to the information channels of dark or gray creatures that greatly distort the truth and mislead a large number of people. In this case, both the contactee himself and his listeners can accumulate negative karma. Therefore, those who listen to information from different sources should always analyze and compare it for a long time.

And there is another problem in this environment, which I have already mentioned above, is the use of such talented people for the sake of the system. It even happens that initially a person connected, thanks to the elaboration of his inner space, to a high-vibration channel and he had a lot of goodness accumulated by the time of contact, but after that he was intercepted by a system (mainly secret satanic societies), which can switch contactees to the channel they need, and adherents these people can also continue to follow the recommendations.

Therefore, during this transitional period, one cannot create idols for oneself, one cannot blindly follow some recommendations or go with the flow with some sect, religion, secret society, and so on. Only dead fish swim with the current, while live fish always swim against it. This trouble with intermediaries between God and man happened several hundred years ago. In the old days, people communicated with the subtle world directly, because they had more subtle channels of perception (led a more correct life). Therefore, Friends, work on yourself and enter into communication with the subtle world. If you are afraid of this and hide your head in the sand, then there will be no more order and security in your inner space. Do not forget what remains outside when the head is in the sand))). And just take note of all the flows of information that you receive yourself or from other contactees in order to save your Soul, psyche and keep in order such a powerful system as the Center of Human Being. All Peace and Goodness!!!!