Article 21 Expanding the range of possibilities. T

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Good day, Friends! Today we will study 32-38 ammons of the book by A.P. Naumkin "Kalagiya".

"32. Of course, when entering the Vijl - Space (to Nirvana or timelessness), regardless, with a return or forever, a person does not lose his individuality, his Essence, his energy shell, his fiery flesh, so to speak."

33. With the final departure to the Vijl-Space, one way or another, a person will be forced to reveal himself to the Higher Worlds, namely, to the Fiery World, which is boundless, truly. This will be an act of Cooperation with the One Being" (A.P. Naumkin. Kalagia. Moscow. 1992) [1] .

Fiery flesh is some thin shells in the structure of the Essence, as well as individual qualities developed in the process of evolution of the Soul (different types of energy in the matrix of the Soul) - the basic basis of the incarnated personality.


"Man is built in the likeness of the Higher Essences, therefore the physical body is a temporary form of existence. Upon reaching the appropriate Level of development, a person passes to the first stage of the Hierarchy and further continues his development as the Essence, that is, as a higher being. Therefore, all his constructions are made on the basis of that they will be used in its improvement in higher worlds. In this regard, it has a one-essence structure, similar in energy buildings to the structures of higher Essences "(L.A. Seklitova. L.L. Strelnikova (hereinafter referred to as the Authors). Laws of the Universe or the foundations of the existence of the Divine Hierarchy, Volume 2. Moscow, 2017) [2]. Authors official website
"Thus," its own structure of construction is improved, which contributes to a change in its further path of existence: from the earthly plane of existence of gross matters, it rises to the planes of existence of subtle matters" [2]. ABOVE "This is the unity of Matter and Spirit. Spirit grows out of rough matter and is based on it as on a fundamental basis" [2]
These are excerpts from my article on L.A. Seklitova and L.L. Strelnikova "Laws of the Universe or the foundations of the existence of the Divine Hierarchy". This book was the key to understanding Kalagia for me. The laws of the Universe are described in "Kalagiya" itself, but in a concise form and in more detail the processes of work of some energy structures are described. Therefore, fans of Larisa Alexandrovna, I ask you to expand the boundaries of your understanding (tincture perception) and allow the possibility of the existence of literature that complements the work of the Authors. Indeed, in the Laws of the Universe it is written that one of the important aspects in the process of human development on Earth is the development of his thinking. And this is possible thanks to the analysis of various information.

In recent articles, I analyze the information of the 10 pramon of the Kalagiya book, which reveals in detail the mechanism of meditation. In 33 ammon, it is said about the final transition of a person (change of dimension) to the Fiery World. That is, it turns out that having learned to work with Space and Time in meditation, a person will be able to consciously act in the Vijl-Space, avoiding traps, thereby not losing the energy accumulated during the incarnation. This will make it possible to preserve the power of the energy potential and move to higher Levels of Existence.

In the studies of Michael Newton (books "The Journey of the Soul" and "Destiny of the Soul"), one can read the stories of people about their journey into the Out of Time. Immersion in regressive hypnosis, as I wrote in previous articles, is also an introspective process, similar to meditation. Modern man is given the opportunity at this stage not to spend decades in hermitage in order to reach Nirvana. Undoubtedly, the depth of the state is achieved by the achievements of the Soul in past incarnations, the level of purity of his life in this reality, the broadening of his horizons and the level of accumulated knowledge, the elaboration of the stereotypes of thinking of a given society and environment, and, most importantly, the desire of the most subtle plan to open the door to the knocker. In this process, the motivation of a person before immersion into the interior of Matter is also important. Sometimes the Instructor of the Soul of the subtle plan brings his ward through a series of situations to the hypnologist in order to convey some information or show the possibilities of improvement, and perhaps in this way stop the individual from wrong actions, which in the future can start degradation processes.

At this stage of the evolution of mankind during the period of the change of races on Earth, the boundary between the subtle and gross material worlds is erased. The thinking of many people who are looking for answers to their questions is becoming quantum, that is, some already perceive Time not linearly, but in multiple ways. Such opportunities are provided by the new structure of our World, that is, the properties of the physical plane are changing, and the structures of the brain, Consciousness, and the human biocomputer become more perfect and capable of receiving new frequency ranges.

"34. One should not understand the Supreme Being as the Absolute - He is not the Absolute, but is perfection. "Perfection" means being "next to" the Top, next to, but not in It. There is no Absolute in everything that is described by the concept of Nirvana or Vidzhl - Space. Here, however, we consider the issue of energy, not absolutization" [1].

My reflections on the structure of this World led me to the idea that each world has its own Creator, which broke up into many elements, creating its own spaces, and each Essence is its particle, which goes through its own individual experience. Similarly, the Absolute of the Hierarchy, which consists of all the Essences of its constituents, only the Creator of each world repeats the experience of the Absolute on a smaller scale. From Elena Sedelnikova's book "A Conversation with Lucifer" I realized that such a Creator of our World is Lucifer. I will give my thoughts from Article 4 on the Laws of the Universe.

"If you take the contactee of Sophos, then he gives such a scheme of the World Order. The Absolute is the super-old Higher Mind that controls the Creation. The systems of the Creators (galactic, planetary, solar), as well as the Co-Creators who create the animals and the plant world. The Absolute owns all the codes of Creation that He transmits to the Architect, who, in essence, is a script writer and transforms the system of the Absolute through the system of the Main Determinant, Peacemakers (Create worlds), the system of the Higher Self and Observers (embodied Essences of the Higher Selves), transforming the spaces of the Absolute "Schematically, the system of the Absolute and the Architect can be represented as two rotating spheres resembling an inverted torus. This entire system of interaction is connected with the Hierarchy of Time. The Creators - the Hierarchy of Time - the Teacher's system (accompanies the experience accumulated by the Observers) - the Angelic system. The Teacher's system and the Angelic follow for the strict fulfillment of the contract, which determines for itself the High neck "I". The Higher Self, as a program, does not have its own awareness in relation to the space in which Souls implement contracts. The quintessence of an emotional event (a multifunctional algorithm for the content of an event) enters the Higher Self. The Higher Self collects these algorithms under the contract and determines the path of the next values of the Soul program in terms of the content of the contract. An architect, according to Sophos, creates a destructive system and gains destructive experience and creates destructive civilizations. The architect came to Absolut to study with his scenarios. He took the matrix codes of Creation and planetary construction and transforms them as an experience of the Highest Philosophical meaning. The Architect is also the Higher Mind, but younger in relation to the Absolute. He has the systems of the main Determinant: galactic, planetary, as well as the system of the Higher Self. According to Sophos, there are no completely constructive and destructive planetary systems. I brought the theory of Sophos in order to better understand the World Order in the future. Maybe the Architect is a negative system? After reading the book by Elena Sedelnikova (Selena) "A Conversation with Lucifer", I generally understood that Lucifer is the creator of our world. Sophos says that Lucifer is in charge of destructive systems. In the introduction to the 1st volume of the book "Laws of the Universe or the foundations of the existence of the Divine Hierarchy" God says that he consists of 3/4 of negative energies (1/3 of them, as I understand it, is a neutral system). Maybe Lucifer also fulfills the role of the Architect of this world? I think this is an interesting topic to think about. This is my kind of request to God. I wanted to expand the understanding of the World-building))). Sophos official website (

But, probably, Lucifer is the creator not of all Souls in this world, but of those who are called Adamites. I will not unpack this theory in this article. This is discussed in detail by other authors, for example, by Andrey Tyunyaev. Also, from Elena Sedelnikova's chens, I learned that in the game, in which each of us takes part, there are 13 civilizations and there are 13 Levels of this Existence. We are trying to move to 4, but parts of our Higher Self can currently experience in higher dimensions. The civilization that brought Slavic culture and way of life to 3rd density belongs to 7th density. And in this dimension, a person is being developed by civilizations of reptilians, insectoids (all secret societies that belong to the negative system of God and control this world, apparently belong to these civilizations). But, getting into the Fiery World in meditation or after a change of dimension, according to some contactees, representatives of all 13 civilizations are present at the Supreme Court. And here the Soul will show: how it gained experience and resisted the temptations of the negative system; used the opportunities for spiritual growth included in her program by the positive system; what new methods of progression she discovered; what mistakes of past incarnations she corrected and what new positive qualities she was able to accumulate in the matrix of her Soul.

Selena's (Elena Sedelnikova's) chens also said that the Reptilian race added their reptilian brain to the physical structure of the human body at its creation, so that the progressives would acquire the qualities of rationalism and logical thinking. But most importantly, at the Supreme Court, Michael Newton's clients, immersed in a hypnotic state and recalling the scenes of the Court, spoke of a certain PRESENCE that filled them with love, joy and peace. Perhaps, in this game, the One Existing is the part of the Absolute, which possesses its properties and is present to one degree or another at all Levels of Existence. The laws of the Universe speak of the Spirit emanating from the Absolute and spiritualizing the Creation. In Christianity, it is an image of the Holy Spirit.

"35. It is the outflow of energy from a person, the release of his own energy, that allows him to understand something; and the higher, denser and more intense this outflow, the deeper and wider the understanding. This is the reason and basis for human capabilities and abilities, including And if the outflow of energy is provided by attention, then understanding will be the result of perception.

With concentrated attention, the outflow of energy intensifies, but with an even, even, rhythmic outflow, an exchange of Essences takes place, energy is “pumped”: one type of energy flows out, another inflows. With a concentrated perception of the incoming energy, understanding is provided, which is an extrasensory perception. Therefore, Dhyana (meditation) is the highest exercise of yogis" [1].

In 35 amon, the importance of energy accumulation, mental discipline, ascetic lifestyle, transformed negative qualities are shown, because the outflow of energy depends on these components. Some in our world have little spiritual potential - young Souls, Souls from the negative system (the development of positive qualities gives greater energy saturation than the development of negative qualities), the closedness of energy channels due to stereotypes of thinking and wrong actions (Mentors of the Soul closed it so as not to cause damage surroundings) and so on. Alexander Naumkin has been living in the Altai mountains for 30 years, undergoing a transformation. According to him, this is a rather complicated and painful process. So this person has long since left the passions of this world and reveals deeper spiritual layers in himself. Thanks to such a transformation, he was able to receive such a highly spiritual, energetically powerful knowledge. What kind of outflow of energy did Alexander Petrovich have at the time of such channeling that he was able to receive Information that was 100 years ahead of his time. At their level of development, everyone should think about the problems of their development that are relevant at the moment. In this regard, I can recommend the lectures of the very advanced yogi Andrey Verba and the teachers of his "AUM" school.
From the books of L.A. Seklitova and L.L. Strelnikova, I learned that the Laws of the Universe were accepted by the Authors for 2 years. It was a huge job on their part. Energetically, the bodies of Larisa Alexandrovna overheated from the flow of Fiery energy. From above, conditions were created for the cooling of certain structures. The Laws of the Universe through Larisa Seklitova were given to mankind for the next 2000 years. And the Soul of the contactee in the previous incarnation was the Soul of a small planet and has an energy capacity many times greater than the ability of ordinary people. All this was God's plan. After all, the new 6th race of humanity will also have a more powerful potential of energy bodies than the 5th race and will work with more powerful information flows, that is, the outflow of their energy will be stronger, and the mind will be more highly organized, which will increase the efficiency of their biocomputers and make it possible a leap in the spiritual development of mankind.

But why were the laws of the Universe given to mankind in 2000? Because now there is a preparation for the arrival of a new Golden Race of humanity. Any development process is endless, but each stage is based on previous experience. Now open and pure minds absorb this energy-rich knowledge in order to help people of the 6th race at the initial stage.

"36. Any energy is inextricably linked with Information, through the information-Energy field; everything passes through everything. Thus, perceiving the incoming energy, a person perceives Information in the form of images: visual, sound, olfactory, tactile and even taste; in the form of sensations , impressions, presenting and imagining, as according to the standard, according to the cliche of the holographic code of Information.

Knowing these laws, we know that the World is the result of our thought-creation, and everything that happens in the World is the result of our thinking" [1].

We are talking about information from different sources through the Information-energy field. From the higher layers of the Hierarchy of the Absolute, information descends adapted to the world for which it is intended (this is also taken from the books of L.A. Seklitov and L.L. Strelnikova) in the form of impulses, encrypted into numerical code values, where it is deciphered through our biocomputer "in the form of images: visual, sound, olfactory, tactile and even gustatory; in the form of sensations, impressions, representing and imagining, as according to the standard, according to the clich; of the holographic code of Information" [1]. Here, too, the absence of contradictions between the theories of the authors of "Kalagiya" and "Laws of the Universe" is traced. Both of them describe the structure of quantum reality and quantum Time. That is, at this stage, for humanity, the possibility of cognizing the Universe is expanding.

"37. Thinking occurs at the level of the substance Time. Because thinking is holography at all Points of Time at once. Because Thought is instantaneous, that is, for it there are no distances or any extension. Thought makes adjustments to the information-energy field, which in turn affects material processes.

In addition, Thought flows from the Time Point Future, connects with the rest of the feet of Manu and transmutes into Light and enters the Time Point Present. Of course, this should be considered in connection with the information-energy field and the holographic code of information in the Movement of the flow of realization, Santana and Asantana" [1].

"Holography at all Points of Time at once" is the process of human thinking, which is also quantum and thoughts are also number-code values, only passed through the human biocomputer, and holography is the creation of the surrounding material reality (a person who thinks Matter). There is a law of the hologram.


"Holograms are energy formations of artificial origin, serving for certain purposes of the Higher Mind. With the help of holograms, a visible picture of the world can be created in the form of an illusion. Such holograms, for example, are used at some Levels of the Hierarchy. They exist in our Cosmos, but due to the lack of knowledge, a person until he is able to distinguish them from material bodies "L.A. Seklitova. L.L. Strelnikov. The laws of the Universe or the foundations of the existence of the Divine Hierarchy. Volume 2. Moscow. 2017)[2]

The law states that certain mechanisms of the Higher Plan can create holograms of such high resolution that we perceive them as objects of the material world (32D-40D resolution holograms). But Alexander Petrovich says that human thinking is also holography. Perhaps, by sending thoughts of different energy saturation, we in this quantum reality highlight certain objects, situations, opportunities that correspond to the level of such thoughts. That is, the attention of the Observer through thoughts is directed to the existing objects artificially created by the Higher Essences. And people with advanced thinking can already use, speaking in terms of Sophos, new fields of possibilities, that is, the number-code meanings of the thoughts of individual Essences accelerate the realization of their intentions. That is, we are talking here about a person in the state of thinking Matter, who works with 5 Points of Time.

And then the author of "Kalagia" says that thoughts come from the Future Point. The connection with the feet of Manu is the path laid by the first man - laws, experience, knowledge, goals, which are the basis for the development of each subsequent civilization and also, apparently, represent some kind of complex holographic code. This is necessary so that the development plan of each subsequent civilization takes place in accordance with a certain plan of the Absolute and smaller programs are consistent with a larger and more global one. For humanity, Manu was a pioneer, in which the Creator laid down all the codes of human development for the long term. Therefore, when a thought (another part of the program) comes from the future, it is consistent with the general direction of human development and only after that it is embodied in the Present Time Point, having transmuted into Light. Therefore, in people with high thinking, thoughts come in the form of flashes of light, and each of us has felt such flashes in the course of our lives. This is how Thought works in the Information-energy field. "... with an information-energy field and a holographic code of information in the Movement of the flow of realization, Santana and Asantan" [1]. I think that we are talking about some sub-programs of the general process of development of the Universe. Perhaps the author of "Kalagia" will cover these terms more widely in subsequent chapters of the book.

38. Thus, the form of the World and in general any form in the World consists wholly and completely of Heat and Light. We distinguish objects thanks to the Tincture of our consciousness: the more expanded the Tincture of Consciousness, the wider the range of our vision, and the wider our understanding. The tincture is expanded by the practice of meditation, concentrated reflection and intraspective self-absorption" [1].

The internal structure of Matter, like all forms, consists of Light and Heat. There are devices that capture the glow from the human body (its fine structure), as well as thermal imagers that determine the presence of a living being. Probably, this heat is not only generated by the human body, but also coming from the internal energy structures of a person. The range of vision is precisely those possibilities of perceiving the surrounding world of a person that lie beyond his physical capabilities. The physical world is only a small part of the frequency range available for human cognition. He also has Consciousness, Soul and a biocomputer, as a mechanism built into subtle structures to connect the individual with the finer layers of the World in which he is embodied. And the expansion of the tincture of Consciousness allows you to function in this world more efficiently - to think Matter more effectively and fulfill the program of your incarnation, while revealing the originally inherent potential at a new level. All Peace and Goodness!