Article 23 The mechanism of work and control of th

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Good day, Friends! We continue to study the book of A.P. Naumkin "Kalagiya". Today we will try to understand 12 amon.

"1. Spatial Fire is present everywhere. It gives energy to Matter. The human mind cannot do without Fire in its activity. The highest use of Fire by the mind within human nature is imagination. Imagination is the basis and source of human abilities. more refined and broader are the abilities of a person. But the abilities of the mind develop the imagination. A vicious circle is formed, as it were, the boundaries of which have no boundaries, because the abilities of the mind, including imagination, depend on the work of Consciousness "(A.P. Naumkin. Kalagia. Moscow. 1992) [1].

From the previous article about the Sphere of Existence (Human Biocomputer), we learned that Consciousness is provided by the energy of the spinal cord and is part of the construction of this subtle biomechanism. This Pramon says that imagination, like other abilities of the mind, depends on the work of Consciousness. As we understood earlier, Consciousness is connected with the energy of Kundalini, and it, in turn, is the potential of a person - his accumulated energy resource from life to life. It turns out that a person's awareness depends on the power of this potential and the ability to manage it. How to control the energy of Kundalini can be learned from many sources, including in "Kalagia" at the end of the book, drawings of some practices are given. In Indian spiritual literature, considerable experience has been accumulated in the management of this energy. There are many practitioners in yoga schools in our country who will show you a step-by-step way to unlock this potential. There are many yogas for this. For example, one of the first is Hat-Ha yoga, where everything begins with cleansing the body, preparing it with physical exercises for work of a higher order. An ascetic way of life is one of the main conditions, because energy is needed to launch the entire system of the Sphere of Being of a person. Therefore, in order for the Fire of your imagination to be strong enough and controlled, you need to lead a righteous lifestyle, engage in spiritual practices and consciously live every moment of life.

Spiritual practices teach, first of all, to live in the Present Time Point - to realize every moment that Life gives, then the imagination will become more refined and other abilities will grow. In my spiritual searches in the 90s, I often came across lectures by "gurus" who said that you need to take this spatial Fire and use it for healing, for your needs, in order to realize your fantasies, but in previous amons we read that As much as the intensity of the energy flowing out during the practice is great, so the incoming energy from space will flow into you - and approximately of the same quality. I have already given an example with high-level contactees, like Alexander Naumkin and Larisa Seklitova. Both lead an ascetic and closed way of life, and the fruits of their Creativity are so great, grandiose and possess such enormous energy power. The main misfortune of modern man is those illusions into which they have fallen due to the temptations of the negative system and their uncontrolled imagination. Even modern people who practice sexual abstinence testify that dreams become more vivid. When in a dream we find ourselves in the astral world, we also create reality there, thanks to our imagination. And as I read one thought in the book of Elena Sedelnikova - our world is just a dream (fantasy, like a figment of the imagination) of Essences that are higher than us in the Level in the Hierarchy of God, and our Creators and their world are also a dream of those who are above them.

The law of conservation of energy operates throughout the Universe. Even if you ask for help from the Higher Essences at some periods of your Life, then, firstly, you must say to whom you are addressing, and secondly, you must clearly understand that how much energy will be sent to you (usually the help system of the Universe is connected), then must be given in two ways. This is written in great detail in the books of the authors L.A. Seklitova and L.L. Strelnikova (hereinafter referred to as the Authors) "Laws of the Universe or the foundations of the existence of the Divine Hierarchy". Official website of the Authors Nobody just gives away anything. Therefore, if you want to fantasize, especially if these are dreams about material wealth, then get ready to pay with something. Therefore, the practices of working with the imagination "in an adult way" must be approached from a certain level of spiritual development, having accumulated, returned, revealed or developed one's potential. The same applies to the practices with Time, which the author of "Kalagia" spoke about in previous amon.

This book is just aimed at stimulating a person to think about high Matters, knowledge of the laws of Existence, revealing the mechanisms of the work of the subtle plan, revealing the prospects for progression for the Soul.

In order to more fully understand the pramons about imagination that we are studying today, let us turn to classical science and the research of psychologists. Wikipedia says the following:

"Imagination is a person's ability to spontaneously create or deliberately construct images, ideas, ideas of objects that in the experienced experience of the imaginer in a holistic form were not previously perceived or could not be perceived at all through the senses (such as, for example, the events of history, the alleged future, phenomena of the non-perceptible or non-existent world, such as supernatural characters of fairy tales, myths, etc.) [1] This ability of a person to create images, ideas, ideas and manipulate them plays an important role in such mental processes as modeling, planning, creativity, play, memory, thinking.

Imagination is the basis of visual-figurative thinking, which allows a person to navigate the situation and solve problems without the direct intervention of practical actions. It helps him in many ways in those cases of life when practical actions are either impossible, or difficult, or simply inappropriate. For example, when modeling abstract processes and objects[2]" .

"2. Imagination Joy of the mind, but we should not forget that this Joy is created by the mind itself.

3. Imagination is the Sun of the mind, and when it rises, the content of Thought appears as a brilliant masterpiece. But just as the Sun does not absorb the Cosmos with itself, so the imagination should not absorb the mind with itself, just as the Sun is a creation of the Cosmos. Imagination illuminates the mind, makes its thought clear. Just as the Sun warms everything that lives under the firmament and bestows life-giving power on what exists with its rays, so the imagination acts in the Cosmos of the mind. But just as the heat of the sun's rays can incinerate when coolness does not sprinkle moisture on the creation of Life in time, so uncontrollable imagination can dry up the mind if reason does not cool the understanding and its feeling in time.

4. Imagination is the Sun of the mind, but just as the Sun obeys the laws of the Cosmos, so the imagination must obey the laws of the mind.

There are people who can understand, but have not been taught to reason. They, in fact, do not understand, but take on faith everything that looks convincing to them. And the trouble is, if their imagination merges with their faith. Then their minds are filled with images, bright and distinct, practically indistinguishable from reality, and everything that arises in their minds in the Light of their fiery imagination is presented to them as an obvious fact. Unbridled feelings, under the power of imagination inflaming the mind, present sensations perceived by the withered mind as a real reality" [1].

Here, as a vivid example, one can cite work in sects, religions (and a new direction as well), in many spiritual schools, where their adherents are tied to egregor through imagination. Most often people get there "who can understand, but have not been taught to reason. They, in fact, do not understand, but take on faith everything that looks convincing to them. And it's a disaster if their imagination merges with their faith. Then their mind is filled with images , bright and distinct, practically indistinguishable from reality, and everything that arises in their mind in the Light of a fiery imagination, is presented to them as an obvious fact" [1]. It's better not to say. How carefully every phrase in the book "Kalagiya"! In Christianity, for example, they fill the mind of a person through the imagination with legends about the life of Christ. Those who are more advanced intellectuals give them the Gospel (of course, corrected for the control system), they hang icons on the walls (also someone's fantasies), which, in turn, inflame the imagination of those who have embarked on this path. I have religious experience and have always tried in my search to come to the essence of belief, but the essence turned out to be the same everywhere - manipulation for my own purposes - your Time (irreplaceable resource), material wealth, distraction from the life program (then I had to accelerate in order to be in time fulfill important points), reputation (when the imagination is strongly swayed, then the person does not look very adequate, which reduces the possibility of implementing the main program of life and you lose the chance to acquire important qualities in the matrix of your Soul) and there are many more such points. Thank the Gods, I did not find myself in these traps for a long time. Over time, she learned to control her imagination and pulled out a certain number of people from some egregors. Of course, some very valuable experience was gained - the main thing is how to get out of such traps))). Yes, and each scripture has its own share of Truth ... the question is at what cost do you collect this nectar. But such an irrational use of such a resource. as imagination is not the worst. Some people will inflame their minds with pictures of sexual passions, and it is even more difficult to get out of the mode of passion, not to mention the mode of ignorance (for example, some people's imagination is constantly busy with how to get alcohol or drugs).

"5. Imagination is capable of creating an illusion, just as the Sun creates mirages on a hot day in the desert. Only a mirage is a reflection of reality, and an illusion is a reflection of faith.

6. Of course, people with such a powerful imagination have such a powerful spiritual energy: they belong to the Fire Element. It is imperative for them to be able to subordinate their imagination to the laws of the mind.

The laws of the mind are Consciousness, Reason, Reason and Thought. The senses are the executive organs of this law. What is the law, such is its execution. Therefore, the law should be improved without ceasing" [1].

Our world is dual, so that the potential difference gives movement for development in the system. The negative system of God is being improved in the creation and improvement of more and more new traps for Reason, Reason, Consciousness, through the movement of Thought - a fiery substance in its essence. Representatives of the negative system often send such mental images that capture the entire Sphere of Human Existence and direct them to generate energy flows in the wrong direction. Such Thoughts must have a great energy potential for such a process to start.

So, people who have such a powerful imagination and spiritual energy, who belong to the Fiery Element and the Positive System of God, and who are able to subordinate their imagination to the laws of the mind, attract into their Sphere of Being equal in power or somewhat higher Information, which they can transform into a creative process in art objects, books, articles, upload a video on the Internet with channeling that is interesting and useful for other people. It's called Inspiration. L.A. Seklitova and L.L. Strelnikova in the book "Laws of the Universe or the foundations of the existence of the Divine Hierarchy" is the law of CREATIVITY and the law of INSPIRATION. It just describes the mechanism for transmitting such an impulse from the High Essence -Zakon-vdohnoveniya-01-04.

If the Negative System of God transmits the impulse, then products of creativity may also appear through the inflamed imagination, but the associations from them will be appropriate. In mentally ill people, the process of uncontrolled imagination (failure of the Human Biocomputer) is also visible. This topic is extensive and one could write a whole book with examples and reflections on this topic, but the format of the articles does not recommend creating large amounts of information, so that's enough for today! Good luck to everyone on the path of mastering your inner space!