Don t want

Ирина Мутовчийская
1. I will enter quietly, praying to God,
On four sides bowing to the forest,
In a strange hut
Seek your destiny!
In that hut weeps, melancholy rushes about,
Plot on the air, with runes board.
I will soon release the captive,
But I'll find shelter first.
I'll whisper an order in my ear,
Fulfill, free, scat, this time!
Let my beloved, oh, neither eat nor drink,
Let his heart only call me
And peace is only a dream, in vain, not to be found,
Only to me let all his paths lie!
2. I hid her, cherished,
Only stupidity can be seen I started,
She shone with a flashlight to everyone,
And now it's gone, where is the power?
Matches are damp
The coals are burned out
Happiness was close
And we didn't make it!
3. Do not raise dark turbidity,
From the bottom of the well
Love does not need numbers and essence,
Don't prick!
Treatises, scientific calculations,
unraveling the mystery,
She is not of the pack breed,
She's... Random!
4. When you fall down again
And remember a strange place
When the conscience is ready,
And the memory is pure as a bride,
Already behind the canopy there is no secret,
And all that is so valuable - by chance!
5. Fate is a huge dial,
We are the arrows that now matched.
And light bulbs in trillions of watts,
We will hardly let it go out.
I know it's forever
Our souls are inseparable
How will my line not burn,
No one will extinguish our fire.
We are from spring, our hour has come!
Vivat and glory, inevitability!
Oh, the day is almost tired
With you my love and tenderness!
6. You are not like that
And I forget
And forgetting, I put in their row.
You are not like that, and I am not like that!
And don't care what they say about us!
7. It gets foggy in the head,
Did the dream come or reality?
Looks, does not look
Get rid of him!
Back, as if it was not,
As if she was sleeping!
I'm in the net, I'm in the net,
Rock ahead.
Oh how chilly in the evening
I stand in the wind!
What? There's nothing to say
I'll throw in the morning.
Stay goody
Stay here,
You are a mother's bunny,
And don't go in the window.
8. Be happy. I don't keep evil
I'm just sorry
And you know, I'm sick of the past,
At least I drive him away in vain!
9. Well, be patient a little more,
Well, wait, don't get cold,
The road is about to open
And you will enter the desired paradise!
10. My soul, tired soul,
Where did you come from, where are you going?
Time is running out slowly,
And you're still waiting, waiting for something!
At least I can find a branch of the tree,
Sounding so unreal now
And still I see the sound of a ballroom mazurka,
But the branches are broken! Trampled paths!
Who was I in another birth?
Hey, eternity, well, at least give a sign!
Though in a melted hole behind an ice-clad window,
To see the one in whom both heaven and hell are at once!
11. Song, song,
My motive is simple
On a slippery wonderful ladder,
I'm running after you!
Breath is stuttering
Well, just a little more
heavenly creature,
The path to you is so difficult!
That bursts with laughter
You look sadly into the distance
And in the morning... You forget
That's where my sadness lies!
12. Call me - I will hear!
Wish me - I'll light up!
Everything is gone, only you heart breathes!
It's all over, I'm just praying for you!
13. You are a Triumph!
You are my rise and fall
Lines broken two coincidence!
Reflection from curved mirrors!
Surprise, silence, prayer,
Words hammered into the larynx pressure!
Oh, the sudden pain of insight
Let's slow down for a moment!
14. Do not see, do not hear, do not catch up,
It remains only to remember
Do not touch, do not stroke, do not drink
The only thing left to do is fall in love!
15. Not enough until midnight,
You sigh wearily
My God, I have to leave again!
Again in a stuffy car
Lanterns on the platform
To tear myself away from you with blood again!
I can't, I don't have the strength
Don't leave me baby
Don't quit again for a week!
You will return, I know
But again I swear
Sometimes, even for a moment, remember!
16. You get dumber from rest,
Only hours are inconsolable,
Lost what you have
We are now so sinless!
So wise, just
The heart beats calmly.
Where are the ebb and flow?
We are not sweet, it does not hurt!
17. One sheet, two sheets,
Soon, soon autumn
Who will read between the lines
What do we carry in our hearts?
And why should they read?
We are all strangers to them!
I would have to wait days
Heavy, empty!
18. My forgotten childhood,
Bonfires of yellow leaves,
Cheerful blue sky
Oh, if only I could find a remedy
Read the text of the half-erased pages!
The wind is raging, tearing through the window,
And I'm not afraid, the house is warm,
The cat is purring, rubbing against his legs,
Grandma sleeps or wakes up
The stove throws a reflection on the wall,
The cat scratches his knee painfully,
The snow outside the window fell like a veil,
And you, mother, will never return home!
Many weeks, days, minutes,
It rushed past, the clock keeps ticking!
Mommy, where are you? Where is that plane?
When will he bring you back?
I made a woman out of snow yesterday,
But the wind will break it until the morning.
This letter in my mind I write
And hurry up, come back, please!
19. You can't come here!
The legends sleep
water gurgling,
And dreams are screaming
centuries of peace,
Shouldn't be broken
living hand,
Can't find the keys
When you fall asleep
Can you make it
The soul will enter
And shine with light!
20. When the fire burns with all its might,
And somewhere a tired horse neighs,
And someone cries in silence
That treasure is calling: "Come to me!"
21. Floorboards creak quietly,
This spirits do not sleep
Or am I dreaming?
Someone's faces are flickering!
Scary blue masks
All of you from a terrible fairy tale,
Wii, vampires, devils,
You are the messengers of death.