Gold bars

Ирина Мутовчийская
This house has 999 rooms. Each time, walking through the rooms, I somehow found my way to the main hall, behind which there was an exit from the house, but today I can’t. Time goes by, I go, we go with portraits. Only I go forward, and the portraits move backward, and then they lag behind completely.
What's in the portraits? Yes, it's all bullshit. Shepherds, lambs, ruins, mature beauties, handsome old men. Warriors on horseback, gondoliers with oars. Mud blue! Although ... Probably worth this dregs decently! However, I cannot verify this fact, the portraits hang high, and my height is too small, only 155 cm. And there is no one to help me. It's just me, rooms and portraits.
  Fearfully? But not very. The torches squeezed into their stands crackle but do not go out, and the doors of the rooms stand open. At the beginning of the journey, I was curious, looked into every room, now I'm tired. The rooms are similar, but there are no windows in them. The windows are painted, but the rooms are bright. The hole in the ceiling looks like a big gap. Light falls through it. It's snowing outside now. Snowflakes fall and fall. The gap is located above the bed and therefore the snow covered the bed with a snow blanket. Every room is like that. The windows are painted, the bed is covered in snow, and there is a gap in the ceiling. I want to go outside, where the snow is, where the air is, and Christmas Eve, but I can't find my way to the wedding hall. Behind him is the exit from the house. I can not!
  There is also a room for women in labor, but it is at the end, behind room 998. How do I know? The electronic guide that accompanies me from the very beginning of the journey screams in the headphones in a mechanical voice. The guide tells the story of each room, I want to remove the headphones, but the lock snapped when I was in the wedding hall. I suspect that the lock will only open in room 999.
Oh basement! I want to go there. The guide yells even louder, promising punishment if I turn off the path. Yes, shut up already! I will not listen to you! Oh, bliss, it is, shut up! The basement stands aside from the main excursion corridor and the guide fell silent. Bravo! The basement is not locked! Getting in. Click! The door closed behind me, I beat my body, trying to open it! Figushki! You should have listened to the guide! Something is gurgling in the headphones! Then everything subsides. I'm going deeper into the basement. There are no torches here, but there are windows almost flush with the floor. Apparently bad. Everything is grey. No, there is no blackness, but it is not clearly visible.
The guide comes to life, but starts asking questions in English. He asks how I am doing, am I married, do I have children? I don't understand English well, but I understood these questions. I mumble "I don't understand", translated into Russian it means like "My don't understand yours!" and the guide hissed silently. Jokes aside, but how do I get out of here?
Tired. I sit on the floor, rummage around me, trying to find some stone or something heavy. Happened! The hand touched something heavy. I'm trying to break the window, but it doesn't work. There is no way to swing. I go to another window, or rather crawl. Tired! There is a slightly different angle of inclination here, and therefore it became possible to swing. I break the window on the third try. A stone, or whatever came to my hand, flies out the window. I try to follow the rock, and it seems to work, but the widest part of the body suddenly gets stuck!
  Here is the incident! I remember that there is no one to help me and I start laughing, because I imagined that in a century archaeologists would find my skeleton stuck in the window, and then I start crying! Then I remember about Winnie the Pooh, who ate too much and got stuck in the rabbit hole, and I start laughing again. While I was laughing, I apparently lost weight, because after making a jerk, I still get out. The knees and elbows were torn off, the wide part of the body also suffered. The clothes were torn. But I don't care. Hooray, I'm outside!
  I look back, figs to you! Unfortunately, I'm not on the street. I am in a glass greenhouse. the electronic guide perks up and starts very quickly, apparently afraid of being interrupted, to tell the story of the greenhouse. I am frustrated and frustrated. Where is my freedom? The greenhouse is round, and for some reason there is no way out of it. Everything is covered with cobwebs, the trees and bushes are dead, the statues are under a layer of dirt. In general, there is no interest here. Tired of aimless walking in circles, I decide to return through the basement window. Winnie the Pooh's window, as I called it, glistens with shards of glass. Near the fragments lies something yellow, shiny, weighty. Yeah, that's what I broke the glass with. Upon closer inspection, the yellow thing turns out to be a bar of gold.
  Whoops! My mood suddenly improves! Taking the ingot, I again climb into the basement window. Changes in body position entail changes in the status of the electronic guide. To put it simply, the guide starts asking me questions again, but this time the language spoken by the guide is not familiar to me. Probably Chinese or Korean. The basement is very dark. Probably, it seems to me after I visited the greenhouse. But fortunately, the basement windows give at least some light. I have a goal, I'm trying to find more gold bars.
  I can do it! Near each basement window lies one ingot of gold. I had a grocery bag in my pocket. The package is gradually filled with ingots, and then it simply breaks. In handingots are inconvenient to carry. Moving forward, I gradually get rid of the ingots that I so recklessly collected.
I now have only two ingots in my hands. One for each hand. I stop, there is a door in front of me. I raise my hand to open it just as the clasp clicks and the headphones fall down to my feet. The electronic guide gurgles some instructions to me in the end, I, as always, do not want to listen to him. My hands are busy with ingots, so I open the door with my foot. The door is not even going to resist, and opens with one touch.
  Darkness is replaced by harsh light. What was it? And it was a dream. Angry at those who woke me up! Trying to get myself to sleep again. But I understand that it is useless. The only good news is that in the hands there is an immense heaviness. Bars, my bars of gold! I remember that there were only two of them left, the rest had to be disposed of! Well, two is a lot too, isn't it?
  However, when I pull my hands out from under the blanket, I find that there is nothing in my hands. The palms are cramped, as if they are holding something heavy and voluminous, but the fact remains, my hands are empty!
  White light hits the eyes. It's early morning now, but it's bright outside. It's snowing. Everything is white, light and bright. Christmas! Celebration! Lots of air, light and snow. Great! After admiring the morning and the snow, I felt sad.
And where are my ingots now? They probably lie on the floor in front of the basement door.