A link between intelligence and being a weirdo

Никита Исаев-Осколков
There is a link between intelligence and being a weirdo

Blue Jay was always somewhat out of the line. Being the valedictorian of his school and a genius in physics, he could have become an outstanding scientist with prosperous future in front of him but Jay preferred to spend all his free time jumping in puddles of water. For that matter, he even created his own pair of innovative snickers that were so water repellent that allowed to bounce from almost any spilled liquid like a rubber ball. As if it wasn’t enough, Jay also felt surface thoughts of people he jumped by and never missed his opportunity to answer them. On the one hand, Blue Jay’s life was a mess from the point of view of comfort and security, since he travelled with the rain, and only his bouncy snickers helped him to escape from being beaten by some people infuriated by his mind-reading. On the other hand, many people waited for his appearance and welcomed the rain because “only dat Jay-boyo in ‘is jolly blue raincoat and kicky bootees” knew the right words for any thoughts. Of course, you could always find him on a clear day in some lecture hall talking about physics in his dry sandy voice like a desert that somehow gained a PhD degree and eagerly pushed its camels to do the same. The students revered Jaycob Himmelblau for his sharp and exact definitions and innovative approaches but his narration was akin to the long way to oasis through the myriads of dunes. Nevertheless, every time the rain started, the blue raincoat was out of the wardrobe, the white snickers bounced off the water, and Jay was on his way to tell everyone about the true laws of nature that tied all people together. Through thoughts and wishes, through muscles and tissues, through holy and vicious, through silence and issues. To the truth of the world.

Image by inspirobot me