Bottle of soju, here is the solution to all proble

Ирина Мутовчийская
Mei was embarrassed, but tried not to show it. Her eyes wandered and finally landed on a bottle of soju, and it occurred to her that she had seen a clue. Sometimes only alcohol can help in such a situation. Mei usually got drunk slowly, but this time she drank shot after shot almost without snacking. But, unfortunately, the blissful intoxication did not come. Kunqu looked at her from time to time, and although she pretended not to notice these glances, they burned her and reminded her of how sweet it was when he pulled her to him and kissed her. Mei had to go to the ladies' room. Standing up and taking a few bold steps, she suddenly felt that her legs could not support her. However, by an effort of will, which was still strong, she forced herself to go forward. Turning around, she saw that the artist was looking at her anxiously. Trying to smile as carelessly as possible, the girl waved her hand to the owner. She reached the ladies' room, even managed to open the tap, which doubled and tripled, but things did not go further than this, she could not understand which of the three jets of water was real. Tired of this useless business, she decided that a lot of time had passed and her owner was bored, and moved in the direction of the hall, where her manager Kim, the owner, and her new friends were waiting. However, no matter how hard the girl tried, she could not find the right path. At last she thought she had found the door to the hall, but it was the door to the pantry. The intoxication she had been waiting for finally arrived, but somehow at the wrong time. Trying to open the pantry door, the girl smiled blissfully, and it seemed that a little more, and she would be where her beloved master is now. Now that she didn't have to pretend, she only wanted to love him. However, if she didn't open the damn door, she wouldn't be able to tell him how much she loved him. The door handle did not give in, the girl twisted it and pushed, even began to persuade her to open it, but nothing worked. Desperate, the girl slid down the door and sat on the floor, she cried and called Kunqiu. At that moment, our artist found her. Hearing what she was saying, he slowed down a little.
The drunken girl was sitting near the pantry door and confessing her love to him. Or rather, not even so, the drunk girl was sitting near the pantry door, and confessed her love, because she was sure, probably, that the artist was not around.
Kunqu was a little confused, he did not want the girl to be embarrassed. However, when she saw him, the girl waved her hand and laughed out loud.
 - Yeah, there you are! And I'm waiting for you, waiting, I say that I love you, but you still don't go. I wanted to go back to the hall myself, but I couldn't find it. They say that the devil drives in circles! - the girl laughed again, and suddenly screamed, - Let's break this door! No, - May suddenly thought, - let's go home, I want to kiss you! You are so cute now! Make that face again! You look like my favorite plush toy! Well, make that face again! However, no, I changed my mind, I want another drink, will you show me to the table?
Kunqu wanted to take the girl outside, but he couldn’t do it, the girl resisted and asked the owner to take her to the hall. Finally manager Kim came running and said that the car was already waiting outside. Together they persuaded the girl, who was naughty and eager to drink, and put her in the car. When the girl was finally in her room, Kunqiu sighed freely. While we were driving home, the girl sang that Kunqu song, to which she picked up the accompaniment, and said some nonsense. Quite a lot of time had passed and it was time for her to sober up, but with every minute she only became more and more drunk.
However, when they entered the house, she said that she would go to her room herself. The artist did not object, he just sat down exhaustedly at the table and poured himself some water. Then he cautiously looked into Mrs. O's room, the girl was already in her pajamas, she was lying across the bed, laughing and talking to herself.
When she saw her master, she waved to him in greeting.
Kunqu was surprised, in front of him was now a completely different girl, friendly, cheerful, even loving. It was a pity to realize that when the morning came, the impregnable Mei would again be in front of him. Well, yes, the morning had to survive. A cheerful girl was about to go to the second round. Alcohol was freely available in this house, if the girl wanted to drink more, then the artist could not stop her.
Luckily, she got up a little and collapsed onto the bed again.
After making sure that Mei was comfortable and comfortable, the artist went up to his second floor.
Twilight was just coming into its own, but the artist decided that he needed to sleep. Tomorrow the next three-day lunar phase began, and it would be better for him to meet it fully armed. The artist woke up from the fact that he felt that he was not alone in bed. Someone slept next to him and hugged him in his sleep. Focusing, the artist saw a familiar pajama. It was in it that May was when he left her room. The girl's hand was thin and almost weightless, however, when heHe tried to remove this hand from himself, the girl clung to him even stronger. After that, the artist just lay and looked at her. Dawn slowly crept into the room, but it was still quite dark. The artist closed his eyes. The beauty of the girl acted like a magnet on him, he restrained himself with great difficulty. He once again tried to move away, but suddenly he saw Mei's wide eyes. There was a pause. The man tried to say something, but the girl moved towards him again with lightning speed and kissed him.
They just overslept the three-day phase of the moon. Love, like a magnet, attracted them to each other, and did not let them move away. The hops had long since passed, but Mei acted the same as she did in the restaurant after countless drinks.
This girl was a mystery. Kunqiu loved her so much that it even hurt him. And also scary. He was afraid that some more time would pass, and he would find that cold and unapproachable Mei next to him, but, fortunately, this did not happen. The three-day phase came and went, and it was necessary to return to the real world.
It seemed to Kunqiu that his life had just begun. Everything before that drunken night turned out to be unimportant. It seemed to him that all his life he had been going to this very night. Some ancient instincts woke up in him, jealousy, the desire to protect his woman from the whole world, bestial fury that shook his body, as soon as he thought that someone could take away his Mei from him.
However, the world persistently knocked on his door, and called on the phone. On the morning of the fourth day, he told May that today's shooting would not last long, only until 3 pm. However, May only smiled blissfully and said that she would be waiting for him in bed. The girl did not know that after these fatal words, the filming process could be stopped for a long time. The artist's hand reached for the phone, he wanted to weave something to the manager and stay at home, but with a huge effort of will he still pulled himself together. However, after that, for a long time he could not understand why, why on earth should he leave his woman and go out of the house, to people who were strangers to him in general?
The film crew was in seventh heaven. So the artist has never played before! He cried and laughed, his role was played with such feeling that the screenwriter burst into tears. The manager suggested that the artist fell in love with his co-star in the film. Kunqu was really in love, though not with his partner, and he wanted all the people around him to share his feeling.