Team building

Ирина Мутовчийская
One day, the manager told the artist that the director of the agency would like to talk to Kunqiu about something and ask for advice. When the artist came to the meeting, it turned out that the topic of today's conversation would be the upcoming team building with agency employees. The actor had a lot of important things to do, but the director of the agency and the manager asked Kunqiu to go along with the team. The director said that these field trips are very important for the team spirit. Moreover, the director shared with the actor the problem that one of the agency employees is leaking information about the artist to the media. Of course, going out into nature will not help you find this person, but it will help people who work side by side every day to relax and not react so sharply to the problems of the surrounding reality. Kunzyu had no choice but to agree. I will tell you the secret of what was the decisive factor of his artist. As soon as he thought that he could rightfully invite Mei to team building, life immediately sparkled with bright colors. May was an employee of his agency, and there were no obstacles for her to go along with everyone. Although... If Mei had refused, of course the artist could not have done anything. However, to the surprise of the artist, Mei not only agreed, but was also delighted. As manager Kim later said, the girl was so happy because she had never been to a team building. Endless moving with her parents from one country to another did not allow her to live a normal life, she did not have time to make friends, let alone go with a school class to nature.
May generally agreed.
After we arrived and settled down, there was a small lunch in the open air. Kunqiu said a few words of encouragement, and then handed over the reins to the director. Kim's manager prepared a box of joke gifts ahead of time. During an open-air dinner, each worker received a gift. Mei also received such a gift. She was presented with a comic figurine of a winged fairy with the inscription "Fairy of Clean Air and Water." The girl was happy! The artist tried not to look so often in the direction of this sweet, beautiful girl, but his head turned all the time to where her high voice rang, and an attractive smile shone brighter than the sun.
Mei enjoyed participating in all sports competitions for team building. It was evident that she had fun with all her heart and completely surrendered to everything that was happening now. The day flew by in an instant. It got colder in the evening and they decided to move dinner to the house, which was assigned today to the team of the Kunqiu agency who arrived. The house was warm, even hot. After the competition and the competition, everyone was excited and relaxed. About half an hour passed, when suddenly the artist heard that his phone, which he had left in his jacket pocket, was ringing. The jacket was casually thrown among a pile of other jackets. However, the artist quickly found her. He put on his jacket and went outside. When he pulled his phone out of his pocket, something fell with a ringing sound.
A small iron medallion in the shape of a heart fell to the ground. When the artist opened it, there was a note that read:
"Are you happy that I sacrificed myself?"
After reading the note, the artist felt that all the charm of today was gone. It was very hard and unpleasant to feel someone's hatred. Someone systematically tried to exterminate the artist, and decided to completely ruin his life. Kunqu was very upset! Suddenly it occurred to him that all these unpleasant things that had been haunting him for the past few months were the work of the one whom the director of the agency was talking about. The one who leaked information about the artist to the media. Probably, this person was the stalker who systematically pursued the artist. Kunqu wanted to return to the pavilion, but then he realized that it would be simply unbearable for him to be near people, one of whom was a mysterious ill-wisher. The mood has completely deteriorated. Sitting down on a nearby bench, he thought. Kunqu twisted the medallion in his hands and tried to understand who put the medallion in his pocket, but suddenly realized that any of those who had been with him all day could have done it. In such upset feelings, his manager Kim found him. The artist did not want to spoil the mood of the manager and director, but it was impossible to hide the fact of harassment any further. However, this time it turned out that the phrase written on a piece of paper was a quote from the film, where he played the main role, the general of the state of Kure, an artist. The heroine of the film, who was the sister of the general, and the queen of the state of Kure, sacrificed herself for the sake of the king. The text of the note was a quote from the movie. The director promised to sort out all these incomprehensible hints, and even call the police, but the artist did not want to spoil the evening for others so drastically, and, again, for the umpteenth time, refused to intervene with the police. After conferring, we decided to leave the solution of this problem until the moment we return to Seoul.