The message -1001-

Ðèììà Ñêðåáèíèíà
04/November/2020 (was written) – 15/02/2022 (was confirmed)

Ahmed closed his eyes… A long time ago he bought tickets to Russia and received a visa in the country in order to visit a competition in Aikido in Novosibirsk. He took all the necessary possessions and went out for a taxi to the airport. He came to Novosibirsk and took a taxi to Yutmen despite it being quite a long and expensive trip. He came to Yutmen and he booked a room in a hotel. He bought clothes he noticed are common for men in the city. It was Saturday, a working day for Olga, he knew it for sure. All her weekends were always working. He changed his clothes: he had chosen a gray hoodie, loose sporty gray trousers, and gray sneakers. Also, he was wearing a mask.
He went to the office: it was easy to find because he knew the name of the firm (and the address he had found before) and how it looked outside and inside from her videos on Safebook. He entered the plastic door into the business center. He followed the stairs to the second floor and found the door with the name of the firm he was looking for…
He stood motionless for not a long time: there were cameras in the hall as he noticed. He noiselessly opened the door and saw Olga seven meters from himself sitting at the table near the windows. Ahmed went in and soundlessly closed the door. She didn’t turn her head: she, obviously, didn't hear him because of headphones which bulged in her ears. He froze and had been looking at her for a while…
She was typing something, sitting crooked, and looking at the screen of her computer. He knew she could type blindly with ten fingers. He observed the room: there were no cameras inside. With silent steps, slowly, he came to her. He touched the table with his hand wearing leather gloves when she noticed him and quickly turned her face to him, flinching in fear, and immediately made a smile and said in Russian: “Zdravstvuyte.” Ahmed knew the word meant greeting…
Ahmed slowly and mutely pulled off his mask. She was looking at him with her huge tender eyes in bewilderment and amazement. The trace of the smile was swept away from her face and she got red. She straightened up in the chair, put off her headphones, and turned her face off him. He saw her fine small ear. Looking at the table in front of her, she said with her angel voice against her will: “Hello, Ahmed.” Her hands were again on the table joined together. She slowly started to move her head to look at him again. He felt rage. It would be unbearable to see her alive, loving eyes again…
Ahmed opened his eyes... "It was easy. It was the last deceptive thing," he thought. He went out. He looked at Peppino, sleeping in its cage, looked at the moon, and smiled at them widely. Everything got black and white, and colorful again, as usual...the annoying rainbow strip ended.