How To Write A Screenplay In 3 Days

Султан Тултаев
Dialogue Queen

1. Write a quick one-page synopsis of your story. Read it to a couple of people and ask what they think. Take their comments and criticism under consideration. If you would like or think it would be smart, make changes to your storyline, characters or tone. Break your story into an outline of 40 "BEATS" or SCENES. Type this up and number the beats 1-40 so you can easily keep track of where you are in the story as you write.

2. If you haven't already obtained a copy of screenwriting software, do so immediately and install it on your computer. Take a few minutes to get acquainted with the basic functions and elements as this will help you write your script more quickly.

3. Start writing. By the end of day one you should have at least 20 pages complete. Continue to write for the next two days and chug through all your story beats on your outline. Don't write out of order – keep to the outline in order and try not to take too many breaks; you simply don't have the time for this. If you get an idea for something that you've already written or something later on, jot it down on a note card and set it beside your computer.

4. Write until you reach the end. Leave at least 6 hours on day three free of writing to do your proofing and such. Most comedic screenplays run 90 to 110 pages; dramas run 100 to 120. Other genres vary between the spans of these two. Print out two copies of the complete script. With a red pen go through and proof it for typos and inconsistencies. Write notes in the margins of the page if you want to remember something for later. Give the other copy to a friend and ask her to proof the script for typos as well.

5. Go back to the file in your screenwriting program and correct the typos you marked on the script. Then go back and incorporate your notes in the margin, notes on the note cards and anything else you think of as you reread the script. That's it – you just completed an amazing feat: You wrote a screenplay in three days!

*Tell your idea to someone else before you begin to get her feedback.
**Do not answer your phone while you are on a roll writing – it will distract you and throw things off. If you have to answer, tell them you will call them back later (except for emergencies, of course).