Buddy and NetPet from the Internet

Владимир Шубников
Buddy and NetPet from the Internet

A cute funny little man appeared on the tablet screen. He addressed the little girl in a melodic voice:
- Hey! Let's get acquainted! My name is Netpet.
- My name is Buddy. - answered the little girl, everyone really called her Buddy, although she had another name.
- Buddy, Buddy
 likes to study - NetPet rhymed cheerfully
- What a funny name, NetPet. Where are you from?
- From the net.
- Have you been caught in a net at sea?
- Wow! How can't you guess? I'm from the Internet.
- Well, yes!? And does anyone live there?
- Well, of course!! You know that someone lives everywhere. Well, for example, you heard about a brownie.
- But he lives in houses. He is very kind and helps people.
- And you think I’m evil?
- No, no. I do not know. Well, I think you are kind because you decided to meet me. Everyone gets acquainted with me and kittens, and puppies and even a hedgehog at the summer house, and they are very kind.
- And I'm Netpet, however, I have many different names. In different countries they call me differently in America Netpet, some Wow Netpet  or Netpet Wow or NetpetOuch, I am everywhere and in Brazil in China and in every country.

Netpet sings his favorite song he composed himself.
I'm here and there.
I'm always everywhere.
I'm just from the net.
My home is the Internet.
I’m funny NetPet.
I’m from the Internet.
Yeah! Yeah! Doo-Doo-Doo!
I live there.  Yes, I do!
Yeah! Yeah! Doo-Doo-Doo!
Kids - my friends! Yes, we do!

- O, you are so popular. Are you like a migratory bird - a swallow, wintering in one place, and returning for the summer?
- Oh, no, I'm online everywhere, when it's hot, I'll rush to Antarctica to cool off a bit and play with the penguins. When it's cold, I'll take a walk to Africa to get closer to the elephants. It happens instantly, here I am here, once I am already there.
- I'm so glad you met me. You are so interesting. I would talk to you more, but I have to go to bed. Mom tells me to turn off the tablet. See you tomorrow. Where are you going now?
- I'll tell you tomorrow! Good dreams!