A leaf

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 The autumn forest dazzled with colors, as a participant in some Brazilian carnival. It was pleasant to look at the amazing combinations of colors. Especially a group of tall maples stood out with their golden outfits. Their carved leaves whispered in the wind. You might have thought they were complimenting each other. But it wasn’t so. The leaves whispered about something else. They did not even whisper, but murmured with vicious hopelessness in their voice.
– What an injustice! We are so beautiful now, but we should die soon! – A maple leaf was wailing.
– And it’s a fact, – echoed him his friend. The life is so short, and we are forced to leave the world in the prime of our life.
– It's outrage! Why didn’t anyone warn me that there was so much injustice in life? – screamed the third leaf.
And suddenly, among this grumbling, a sonorous voice rang out:
– Guys, why are you sad about? We are so beautiful! Everyone admires us: birds, animals, and mushroom pickers who came here in the hope of a good catch.
The dissatisfied with life leaves turned to the voice and saw their fellow, as golden as they were.
–You are too careless to understand our sadness: – the leaves blamed their comrade in chorus. You don't want to face the truth.
–You've been whining since I remember myself. In summer, you were whining, demanding rain, in cloudy weather you were whining, saying that it should be hot in summer. That's what you've been doing all your short life. At least be happy now. What a beauty is around you! This is truly a golden time! It's an amber autumn! What could be more beautiful?
– You are insane, brother! – Declared the leaves, – you rejoice the universal death! Why should I be sad? I have been admiring all spring, having appeared in this beautiful world, I have been enjoying life all summer and now I am not going to be sad. We must thank the Heaven for every day we have lived.
But the leaves continued to murmur at fate, and the life-loving leaf did not argue with them anymore. Suddenly, a sharp gust of wind tore a whole armful of foliage from the maples. The leaves were swirled in an air vortex. The cheerful leaf flashed in the air, enjoying the flight. It noticed a weed, which was also carried through the air.
They approached each other and whirled in an autumn waltz, smiling and enjoying a romantic moment. The rest of the leaves continued to complain about fate and fell to the ground like gloomy, extinct butterflies.
At last, the wind finally versed, and the yellow carpet covered the ground. The leaves were crying out for help, and their life-loving kinsman was not discouraged and this made him more beautiful. The next day, it was picked up by a man who was carefully examining it. He was an artist.
– What an amazing color! – The artist was delighted, – that's the color! This leaf is the most beautiful, it more beautiful than all the rest ones together. I'll take it home. Though this leaf is doomed to wither, but it is worthy to remain in the memory of people.
After a while, took place an exhibition, and the artist presented his paintings to the public. On one of them, a maple leaf of amazing color was depicted in the entire canvas. The artist proudly told the visitors how he picked up this amazing leaf in the forest and decided to capture it in his work. The audience admired the rich color. At this time, a cheerful maple leaf was in the artist's workshop. It knew that day it took place an exhibition of the master's works. The leaf was almost stagnant, but still kept thinking.
– How happy I am, – he said quietly, – I have lived allotted me time not in vain. I managed to enjoy the life, and now I will also be imprinted in people's memory. Although the life was short, it was rich. Besides, I do believe that beyond my earthly existence, I will continue to exist.
But, those leaves that always murmured and complained about on life lay on the ground with half-left veins-skeletons, never knowing the joy of being.