
Илья Корнев
........ And so, three boats, груженные under an outset, were set on the river. And, the monotonous landscape was pulled: at the left - fields cut wather channel , and from ancient times here worth likely, huge water wheels, that scooped water from Niles as well as at фараоне Эхнатоне, or second type like колодезного журавля -  The elevating device, that filled предутренний hour with an improbable scratch, when by him(it) scooped water, and turning on high шесте poured out in narrow канаву on a coast.
The opposite coast, as well as is necessary to it(him) - was frequently обрывист, and more than meters from a level of water towered on kind six, and. Nile at this time, at the end of August was very fine..
On a narrow strip at обрывистого of a coast, and  The caravan made way! But it was necessary to be cautious slightly отошедшее from  channel a vessel risked to sit on отмель, and on the  right could fly on  torn down coast artfully latent by a thin layer of muddy water! To the aid it was not necessary to hope! Steam ship that only have appeared on river in such глушь, and main – little wather, did not swim away! But all went by  turn! If the passengers, that a vessel  to touch bottom felt. That thanking Али all managed., (he), only on  to known signs took
To traveller, that now goes in авто, or looks at promptly flying by landscapes from windows of a train, or bus, дивить by the sun, that hastens behind you!, it red on Evening, in coming twilight, was lowered up to tops сосен or birches! Also is born(carried) on their crowns, being broken in a crown, but выныривая as by forty, that flys from a tree on a tree, see on of the hunter. But the sun was and on river, and once, as it is usual, go on a deck from a stuffy cabin Девис, and Чапай were, than that not clear, but are angry! Девис of saws tea, as истый the Englishman, and some minutes steadfastly looked forward! It looked long, on ascending directly at the rate, the sun seemed came up directly from Niles! Half, disk has seemed, and when the glass of tea "Липтон" was пусь, Девис has understood, that it(him) entered into bewilderment!
-Чапай! It, he looking on has asked herd from ten kow, what go in wather :- Василий Иффнович? - it not seems, that the Sun today is strange as that conducts in the sky!
What? That, dances гопак, whether what? It asks Девиса, having come off from contemplation kind with the cows and torn off shepherd, that expelled them on  coast covered burnt out, and on this thin, herb!
- What there with the sun? Девис of the beginnings to explain: - Всилий Иванович! - you recollect? - Yesterday? And one of these days we as left on a deck in the eighth hour попить coffee, and to smoke?
Well? - Has asked Чапай, at all поимая essence of a question?
Well, how we looked at the ascending sun вчер? - remember? Чапай, that that that shouted to the fisherman of a type: " who чудак? The fisherman! Till a knee in water costs(stands), and to drink asks "! But boy, that бельмеса did not understand on - русски laughed only!
But Чапая has interrupted, Девис: you one of these days what asked that,  a boat? Remember!
Hooks bug I have asked number eighth! Recollect Чапaй! And in any way, them, hooks has not found?
-чочмотри / see / on the heads! - Чапай not at once has understood, that the speech went about it cap! Then Девис has unhooked a hook from his headgear, and then second, as Чапай on the end лески= streeng, for fishing, as everyone   fisherman has fastened on short streeng two hooks! It has borrowed some time, and it was necessary to replace with them! Чапай not at once has understood a repeated question about the sun.
- But, you were covered then, when took hooks, перегнувшись through a board! To hands closed
Eyes from the ascending sun!
Well? Has asked Чапай, distracting!
- But now sun is direct on a nose! Still what that time is cunning on translation, and Чапaй has seen, that on
The sun the nose ship is directed, and it(he) was printed on his(its) disk, as a rock -J, in Эль- Амарне. Чапай, that that wanted to continue to tell about rocks Амарны, but Девис (him) has not given to finish an idea. The sun go More to the left on a quarter of a circle! In North, not East, as it is usual
- Чапай long could not understand Девиса, but having burst out laughing, has asked Али, that listened to their conversation: - you , when has turned on the left, it that, river.
- Is not present! Are a Nile! - and having understood their difficulty, has told, that so many it some mans  in ,seeing such in the sky and this place of Nile.  It seems to  passenger, that of Nile flows directly, is especial if turns of Nile smoothly, and on that it seemed, that are floating on  straight line to a channel!
- Calm down! Nile has no here rivers, in Nile running, Time to designate
Route, and place of parking on it! From behind turns of Nile is longer on 1000 kilometers
P/s. Когда я раньше писал главу “ Скалы Амарны” то пользовалсяя картой реки Нил! Я приметил, что Напрямую? в длину Нил не менее 2000 километров, а с извивами русла он, и в два раза может быть длиннее. То есть в некотрых местах, в середине его течения-  может показаться, что плывешь: то на Восток, а то на