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Вирджиния Домарк

   Для начала надо запомнить вот это :"IFITM-Family Proteins: The Cell’s First Line of Antiviral Defense".

  А вот теперь прочесть вот это:

 Animal cells use a wide variety of mechanisms to slow or prevent replication of viruses. These mechanisms are usually mediated by antiviral proteins whose expression and activities can be constitutive but are frequently amplified by interferon induction. Among these interferon-stimulated proteins, members of the IFITM (interferon-induced transmembrane) family are unique because they prevent infection before a virus can traverse the lipid bilayer of the cell. At least three human IFITM proteins—IFITM1, IFITM2, and IFITM3—have antiviral activities. These activities limit infection in cultured cells by many viruses, including dengue virus, Ebola virus, influenza A virus, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus, and West Nile virus. Murine Ifitm3 controls influenza A virus infection in vivo, and polymorphisms in human IFITM3 correlate with the severity of both seasonal and highly pathogenic avian influenza virus. Here we review the discovery and characterization of the IFITM proteins, describe the spectrum of their antiviral activities, and discuss potential mechanisms underlying these effects.  Charles C. Bailey,1 Guocai Zhong,1 I-Chueh Huang,2 and Michael Farzan1

 12.01.2015 г

 Вот теперь к теме.

 Farzan, Michael

  Faculty Member

2017 - Professor, Immunology and Microbiology , Scripps Research
2017 - Co-Chair, Immunology and Microbiology , Scripps Research
2011 - Faculty Member, Skaggs Graduate School of Chemical and Biological Sciences , Scripps Research
2015 - 2017 Florida Vice Chairman, Immunology and Microbial Science (IMS) , Scripps Research
2012 - 2015 Professor, Infectious Diseases , Scripps Research
Our laboratory focuses on entry processes of enveloped viruses and the various ways that the innate and adaptive immune responses inhibit these processes. We also apply our insights toward developing therapeutic strategies that enhance or supplement these immune responses. Our work can be divided into three categories: (1) biochemical studies of the HIV-1 entry process and its inhibition, (2) identification and characterization of obligate factors, including receptors, necessary for the entry of other enveloped viruses, and (3) identification and characterization of host restriction factors that inhibit early steps in the viral life cycle, in particular those of the IFITM family.

 Разбор будет позже ,а пока стоит обратить внимание на сегодняшнюю новость из вороха вчерашних газет :"Scientists believed Covid leaked from Wuhan lab - but feared debate could hurt ‘international harmony’.
 Sarah Knapton 11 hrs ago

 Leading British and US scientists thought it was likely that Covid accidentally leaked from a laboratory but were concerned that further debate would harm science in China, emails show.

 An email from Sir Jeremy Farrar, director of the Wellcome Trust, on February 2 2020 said that “a likely explanation” was that Covid had rapidly evolved from a Sars-like virus inside human tissue in a low-security lab.

The email, to Dr Anthony Fauci and Dr Francis Collins of the US National Institutes of Health, went on to say that such evolution may have “accidentally created a virus primed for rapid transmission between humans”.

But a leading scientist told Sir Jeremy that "further debate would do unnecessary harm to science in general and science in China in particular". Dr Collins, the former director of the US National Institutes of Health, warned it could damage "international harmony".

Viscount Ridley, co-author of Viral: the search for the origin of Covid, said: "These emails show a lamentable lack of openness and transparency among Western scientists who appear to have been more interested in shutting down a hypothesis they thought was very plausible, for political reasons."

 Обратить внимание нужно на дату имейла от Фарара.-2.2.2020.

 -Это ж настоящая бомба,-закричал Мышонок.-Это же что же получается?!
 Никто не понял его в доме на улице Великого английского забытого поэта лорда-революционера.И все в немом недоверии уставились
 -Ну как же!-возмутился Мышонок.-Разве вы ж не видите?!2.2.2022-будем праздновать юбилей этого имейла.
 -А почему бы и нет,-хмыкнула Авторесса,-достойный повод для некоего шарах-мараха.
 -Фейерверки в студию!-воскликнула она .И вылетела в трубу.

 Все в доме воспрянули духом:началась подготовка к Юбилею!