Chapter 138 HenryJames Krotkie Amalgamated 3 years

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HenryJames & Krotkie Amalgamated

3 years on the Project,

6 Year Together

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LGBTQ Sci-Fi "Echoes of Andromeda", 1st book in 20 books series:
Sponsored by Iziran Artworks

Wallace Smith copying from James Kellspell’s Channel, order by Lady Anne:

“Arkabin Doctor (Ustilim Sherbin) to James Kellspell, USJAG : The key has to last for 3 hours. Such is length of the sequence of the ego-machine.

JKellspell: What happens after 3 hours?

Arkabin D (Ustilim Sherbin): After three hours it begins to repeat itself. So, if we could keep it silenced for only three hours, we could wipe out the entire program, and start a new monoclinic signature without the voice of the ego, therefore free to hear God.”


JKellspell: Yes! Now I KNOW! I drank 3 allowed drinks out of 6 by 9 am today because H.M. made me throw away old food from the fridge. That cut me soo deep, I had to turn to the bottle to fix it.

Lady Anne: What was the food that you had to throw away, and why did you only remember it now?

JKellspell: It was an old PBJ sandwich, back from our Knoxville-Ann Arbor trip. Then, I forgot to put it back into the fridge for two days, then I froze it, and then, almost a month later, I ate half of it, and I did feel nauseous a t the end of the day. So, there was at the second part left.

JKellspell: What do you have to cheer me up? Because I’m tired of this ego-chain of “defending my borders”. This is where the pain comes from. It is MY sandwich - that is why when HE ORDERS ME to throw it away - I feel VIOLATED. And that is bullshit. I NEVER feel violated with Jaguar, no matter what he orders me to do. But why do I feel so defensive with H.M.? Because I love Jaguar more? Lady Anne, fuck, please help me. I’m tired of hanging on the ropes of the stupid ego-machine, and be its puppet. ENOUGH!

Chapter 138 still:

               HENRYJAMES & Krotkie


                THIRD (6th)


London - Genesis 17 - Malachite Constellation Jag

                (6 years together)

Wallace Smith: The Year of Jaguar is almost over. Today is Jim and Henry’s THIRD Anniversary on the project (Henry arrived on Christmas Eve of {date censored} dorilin alaetar), and SIXTH year together (James and Henry met in the Grey Building in {date censored} dorilin tisaver), and a year later James went into “The School of Answers” with Melekh, and a year after that James and Krotkie were made ONE ITEM via Golden Thread Ritual that only took half an hour.

James recalled that it was the most painful thing he ever had to endure. But also, the most gratifying. Because the pain of the  Ritual was not in vain. It made all three of them ten times as strong against the dumb ego-voice on the Way To God.

Lady Anne, running her hand along Kellspell’s cheek.

JKellspell: What? Do I need to shave?

Lady Anne: Don’t be so freaked out every time someone touches you. Or is this your pattern with Jaguar?

JKellspell, now even more tight and alarmed: Why are you bringing him up? Are you going to attack him again? Is Women’s Council plotting against me?;;Lady Anne, smiling: No one is plotting against you. You are paranoid. I just wanted to bring your attention to this.

Lady Anne pulls a pair of mens underwear of L size, of dark blue navy color out of her pocket.

Kellspell goes pale: Where did you get it? It’s mine!

Lady Anne: Lying again, Mr. Kellspell. It is not yours. It belongs to Jaguar. And you stole it. And I found it under your pillow, and now you will get yelled at by Jaguar for being such an incorrigible homosexual.

JKellspell: Ohhh… fuck… I could say “don’t tell anyone”, but it is of no use! Jaguar is watching every minute of ever footage of EVERYONE! Leave it to a military man to arrange for excellent intelligence.

Lady Anne, still dangling Jaguar’s underwear in front of Jims’ face: I bet you would pass out just sniffing these once!

JKellspell, desperately trying to grab the underwear from Lady Anne’s hand: Yes! Now everyone will know! Rubinstein Compound Newsreel will publish the picture of me chasing you for my employer’s underwear, come on… Why are you so cruel?

Lady Anne, handing Jaguar’s underwear to James: In fact, I’m not cruel. Neither do I care about your insane crush on the most twisted of men I ever knew. By this incident I wanted to attract EVERYONE’S attention to something you just admitted to.

Jkellspell, now frowning and brooding: What? The fact that you have no respect for people’s private life?

Lady Anne, unfazed: No. The fact that YOUR EMPLOYER HAS NO RESPECT FOR PEOPLE’S PRIVATE LIVES! Listen, everyone! Jaguar is using 8 minutes of time loss over Lemhi Pass to spy on every single one of you, because Mr. Jaguar believes that the military has the right to know. And you must thank Mr. Kellspell here for covering up, and allowing for it to happen!

Wallace Smith: Ahem. Zoom out of our little domestic. A typical morning on the Emerald Filament film set. I’M NOT getting involved in that one. Sheba’s ego-driven mouth led her to lose her job. I’m too old and too ugly to risk that.

Maybe too old, and MAYBE too ugly.

But NOT too stupid.

Next thing is going to be harder.

I don’t even know how to bring it up to James. Today I received a letter. In this letter I found out that this one ambitions woman, called Elizabeth M., wants to work for Regent James Kellspell.

But it is a woman, and a young woman at that. James hates those, he is afraid of young ambitious women. He never trusts them.

Says here in her, rather brave, letter - “I submitted my resume to you, sir, in the year of {censored} Dorilin Pritemir, and received absolutely no answer. I have been waiting for FOUR YEARS for your recognition of my existence, and I’m done waiting.”

I will have to search Jim’s channel for the entry on the receipt of this woman’s resume.

“The reason for your silence was, I assume, because I was a woman. The rumour has it that you are not only bigoted against women, but also anything alive, unless it is a handful of so called “Gold Card Members” who get the first pick of anything decent. ALL of these men are now in their seventies, and most, forgive me God, have no idea what is going on in the contemporary society. The last one from that group that you tried to hire, kicked the bucket three months into the job. He is now on display in your bedroom, which only proves how sick you are. You can’t part with your crusty old beliefs even when they’re already in the casket! You, sir, are as thick as the rocky cliffs of Hastings, and for the love of God, quit hiring ONLY the “old white male”. You may be missing a whole new multi-coloured whale.”

Oh, my God! My hands are sweaty and the hair that remains on me still, is all the way up on the back of my old, wrinkled neck.

James will be furious, if he ever sees this letter. What do I do? Who is this woman? Why is she after James? Maybe, I should alert Lady Anne!

If James sees this, he will freak out, run and hide like a turtle.


I jump up to greet James, right through my bridgeplate.

“Yes, James! All here for you. PLease don’t fire me because I’m old and ugly.”

‘What? Uolles, what have you been smoking? You are a Silver Card Holder. These do not leave my system. Even feet first. Admire William in his Honorable Sarcophagus.”

Right. Exactly. This is what this Elizabeth woman was talking about.

“What are these colds that spilled out of your LHS Bridgeplate, Uolles? Who wrote you? I smell a female.”

I’m dead. This is it.

Harakiri is my only option.

“I’m not after you, and I care not what women you correspond with, but I smell ambition, and I do not like it, Uolles. Do you have a cigarette?”

“Do you have a sword?”

Kellspell looks stunned.

“Uolles, fuck, have you been hitting Daniel’s bar? How much have you drank since morning?”

Kellspell grabs my face and looks at the size of my pupils, as if this will give him any information on how much I drank.

Zoom out. Let’s zoom out of what happens next.
;He kisses me next. I melt, and I love it, but I wonder - how can he, when I’m so old and ugly?

                CHRISTMAS EVE,

                AND HENRY IS IN LONDON

And James would cry his eyes out, if he had one free minute to do that.

I have to play his secretary. Sometimes the Arkchil Operator has to, even as Sheba detested that part of her responsibilities.

Uri Kumlatov, top of the triangle, in thundering black and white rivulets of bursting contrasting colors (there is TEXT VERSION on top, and James showed me how to work it. Oh, HEAVENS, thank you!): Mr. Kellspell, please turn in your chemistry homework not later than 7 pm.

7 pm is in two hours. Ok, let’s see… James is being accosted by Lady Anne and Matushka, as Lady Ti’s ladies in waiting, to be ready for the Christmas Eve, where Jaguar wants to show everyone his long-lost slave.

Women’s Council is planning a rally outside with slogans like these: “Human slavery is illegal.”

I think they’re missing the point.

James knows about the rally and he hates the Women’s Council.

Oh, I have an idea!

“James!” I scream as he runs from the closet to the lawn, half-dressed, half-shaven, taking Krotkie to a long-awaited walk before the Celebration.

“What?” He is only earring one sock, on his right foot, because his left foot is covered in “Bag Balm” that Elizabeth M. Put on him, to help leal the ripped skin when he fell into the rabbit hole on jaguar’s lawn.

“Kumlatov wants you to turn in your homework.”

“Uolles, have mercy!” James rolls his eyes. “I will deal with Kumlatov after I’m done with the Women’s Council. They think they’re defending my female avatar, but all they’re doing is pissing me off!! What are you doing?”

“Having a good time with my friend William here.” I lean against Conroy’s sarcophagus, as if this is what they do… When in doubt, find a coffin with your lover’s ex in your bedroom, and lean against it, as if in support.

‘William who?” Kellspell is so rushed, he can’t even keep up with out convo.

“William Shakespeare, fuck< James, son’t you keep up with your own life?”

Kellspell would laugh, if he had a single free blain cell left to process anything I’m saying.

“Do not forget to finish shaving, James! Put on tour second sock!?” Matushka yells from the second floor.

“FUCK!” Kellspell whistles for Krotkie, but in a hurry closes the door right in front of the wolf’s nose, and runs to the bathroom to finish shaving.

And Henry is not even here.

God help us when Henry is here.

“To circumvent that, I have come ip with a solution…” I venture again as James finishes shaving in a huge hurry, splattering water and his hair everywhere, and then leaving the blade without washing it.

I wash it quickly after him. Thing is, each one of us can ask for our own blade, but I prefer to use Jim’s. So, I need it clean for me tomorrow.

“To circumvent what? A solution to what?” James grabs a handful of dog food as he runs past a big bag of it in the corner.

‘The Women’s Council is going to have a rally outside of the Headquarters, and I know how to dispel it.

“I wanted to use tear gas, but Dr. Michael said there is no way I could fart this much…  It’s no use, Uolles. Prepare to see your sore ass on the background of the protesters tomorrow in Rubinstein Compound Newsreel.”

“No, James, listen, I have a solution! Tell then it’s not “human slavery”. It’s a BDSM instalment as part of LGBT Celebration.”

Krotkie whines, locked outside. His breath, smeared by the hair on his muzzle, leaves artful streaks on the glass of the sliding door.

“Do we have anything left to drink?” Daniel comes back from “Inner Dinner”, having eaten there alone, again, without ever inviting anyone, or even telling us that he is going.

“This is what I’m talking about! That is why I submitted my resume four years ago, and Mr. Kellspell wiped his ass with it!” Elizabeth M. comes down from Dr. Michael’s apartment to attack the first man she sees drinking.

And boy, do I need to mention? She does not like drunken men.

“The last time you hired an old white male, Professor Conroy, may he rest in peace, all he did was hang around and get drunk!” Elizabeth advances at half-dressed James.

“Blyat!” Kellspell swears in Russian. “Fuck!”

These explosive words mean nothing. I think James uses them  much like an octopus releases a cloud of n=ink, to confuse the opponent and escape.

But there is no escape.

“I need you at the Headquarters in ten minutes for the rehearsal, James!” Lady Ti comes in momentarily from the kitchen, amid banging and chattering on the background.

Many a smell come out of the kitchen, but the dinner is for the nobility, and we eat separately.

James gets to serve Jaguar at the table, but the rest of us can eat whatever we want, whenever we want, as long as we work in the kitchen, when asked.

“And then, as if that was not enough, you took in Mr. Daniel Garner, who came over, and did absolutely nothing but request a bar in the bedroom.” Elizabeth continues, waving her finger in front of Daniel’s nose, forcing him on the bed.

“Henry told me to take Daniel. I don’t care how much he drinks. He is a good lay.” Kellspell sighs, getting dressed hastily.

“This is all you think about, James!” Elizabeth looks under the bed, and pulls out Jim’s reading glasses, Jaguar’s underwear, and a bottle of whiskey.

Kellspell, shocked: “OH! THIS is where it went! And I blamed Women’s Council for stealing my employer’s underwear!”

“Who writes your lines?” Elizabeth waits for Kellspell to turn around, and then steps him across his face so much he falls back on the bed. “They are brilliant!”

“Which one of you gives a shit about this project?” Elizabeth looks at me, and her eyes are on fire. “I thought Dr. Lauren did, but he locked himself at that apartment upstairs, and this is the last time you all heard from him, and none of you even CARE!”

“I have an idea.” I say meekly. There is a high chance this engared woman will slap me in the face if I say something she does not like, but I’m a sucker for punishment, just like honorable James Kellspell here, jumping on one leg, trying to put on the sock.

“We can prevent an ugly clash of political views if we tell the Women’s Council that what they see is “BDSM”, and not “human slavery”. I think they got the wrong idea, because James has a female avatar, subservient to his male mind.”

Elizabeth looks at me like I just fell from the Moon. Uh, let’s see what she thinks when she sees a 7-foot tall winged alien who just fell from the Galaxy of Andromeda. I always love watching the reaction of all the new members of our team.

“Oh…” She stumbles.

Yes, yes! I always took her for a smart person.

“Yeah. It’s Jim’s sexual preference, not a universal law. He just wants to belong to HIS ALPHA on his Alpha’s conditions, whatever they are. The ladies got it all wrong. Tell the that. See if you can dispel their um.. mental issues. It will be easier on Lady Ti. She does not like any public unrest.”

“You are going to be promoted once we come to power on MEOL.” She tells me, and runs for Lady Ti. Everything must go through Lady Ti.

I will be lucky if I LIVE TO SEE us flying to MEOL, ok? I’ll get promoted to my own sarcophagus, that is. So far, I have to sleep in the same bed with three-four men and a a large wolf.

“… while William gets his own accommodations…” I muse to myself.

“William who?” Elizabeth comes back from the kitchen, with a satisfied face. Did it work? Do they like my idea?

“William Shakespeare, Lady Elizabeth, aren’t you following Jim’s life?”

“It’s just “Elizabeth.” She tells me with her head held high.

I love it. Whoever gets control over me, I will follow. I simply can’t be on my own. I’m an omega. I’m so glad SOMEONE just grabbed the reigns that were just dragging on the ground for months - because James Is a beta, and everyone around is an omega.

Alpha Richard Rockford was disqualified due to sexual misconduct,
And Alpha Jaguar can’t even dream of controlling anything right now. He’s got a long way to redeem himself in the eyes of the Women’s Council.

Lord Henry Carlton, who is a very ambitious omega, aspiring to be an Alpha, asking James how to act like an Alpha, and Jim feeding him beta protocols - all that worked for a few years, but Henry was caught more than once breaking law, plus, he is In school in London, and he can’t be here more than a couple of months here and there throughout the year.

So we are leaderless.

We have been for a while. Henry sent Daniel, and Daniel is an omega with a drinking problem.

I’m an omega with a drinking problem.

James is a beta with a drinking problem.;
Basically, Elizabeth M. is right, and no one gives a damn about the project.

We’re nursing our drinking problem, which is very easy to sustain here, in the House of Blue Moon, whee alcohol runs like water throughout the entire compound.

The man who created this place on the Strobulus is Mr. Leonard Rubinstein. He is a very wealthy, honest man, an Ashkenazi Jew, as per Sheba Reddington and James Kellspell.

Mr. Rubinstein placed a bet on James Kellspell, a couple of years before James was born, in the 70s.

And the day Mr. Rubinstein died, he came here, to the Atrobulus, to create their Compound, named after him.

Four years later James arrived here with what he though was - his bride Samuel of Salem. Everything turned out to be completely different from what James could imagine, but it all lead to him getting his sweet Alpha back, Mr. Jaguar.

Look, at how happy James is now - all ready and running out of the sliding door, with Krotkie at his heels.

“I’m coming to serve you at the dinner, my Beloved Jaguar!” Jim’s eyes reveal. “I want you to be happy and warmed up by my love, for there is NO ONE like YOU, the One Who Owns me.”