Quotes of Thoughts November 2021

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The Almighty is Alpha & Omega, but not some kind of virus that move unusually fast from “alpha” to “omega”.
Let's pray & work together to end the pandemic.
The prayers of Buddhists, Christians, Muslims, Jews ascend from the land & unite in Heaven

Stakeholders capitalism is a great step towards "shareholders inclusivism", in which every citizen of the world/country owns shares of networks of IT platforms of fully automated worldwide/nationwide super co-operatives.


#Super_Co_Ops (in which  everyone own shares) start #CircularEconomy that aims not only efficient use of energy & raw resources, but also at a nonstop circulation of finance as Moebius strip of supply & demand cycles:

@ArtBasel @MiamiHerald @artnet
"PROGRESS" is #artwork by #GennadyZherebilov , practicing philosopher and #rethinker about "Spiritual & Vital Feed" #VR
December 3, 2021

One  more #artwork by practicing  philosopher & #rethinker #GennadyZherebilov as a parody of #artwork  "Banana" of Cattelan.

#bananaCattelan #NFT #contemporaryart #conceptart pic.twitter.com/vxkVvf4RTW

Two wrong principles:

"Too big to fail"
"Too big to jail".

The Logic of Love leads us to see that the spirit of Savior has to reborn in each of us.
That is, each person has to take on the sins (the consequences of erroneous actions & thoughts) of all who've ever lived on the planet Earth.
A Homo Sapiens has to become a saviour!
And as human is the actor of (at least) 3 levels of the Universe he'll have to carry out his saving mission in the micro-, macro - and mega world:

#GennadyZherebilov was a cadet in 1972 on the tall-ship "Tovarisch" & sailed from Odessa across Atlantic ocean to take part in the 175th jubilee of the tall-ship "Constellation" & Baltimore.
I've acquired fusion of romance & courage to sail across life on sails of Faith & Love

#GennadyZherebilov sees that, having crossed the ocean at the beginning of "D;tente" 1972, the sailing ship "Tovarisch" overcame not only severe ocean miles, but also broke the ice of the Cold War - the cadets became
"Infants of D;tente".
The World needs a Global D;tente! Now.
4/ pic.twitter.com/45Gv9I9FmY

One more metaphysical formula from #GennadyZherebilov , practicing philosopher & #rethinker
See picture: E = Lc2
E is energy of Love & cooperation between humans and also cooperation between Humanity & the World.
#SummitforDemocracy pic.twitter.com/bb4diwdUa6

"Ra in bow (rainbow) is the autograph of God" - collection of #contemporaryart #artwork by #GennadyZherebilov
See concept:
http://proza.ru/2020/09/04/872  pic.twitter.com/GpoUktyWGQ

Be wise to revise aims of life.
In an Era of #Robotics & #AI humans' aim will be self-actualization via sport, art, #Job4Joy .
Humans'll be Job Freed instead Jobless thanks to #UBI as floor of #Super_Co_Ops dividends http://proza.ru/2019/07/18/1103

 #GennadyZherebilov :
The creation of similarity w/ the British East India Company is wrong way.
True way is creation in a democratic commonwealth the global & nationwide #Super_Co_Ops in which everyone own a share as co-owner / citizen of democratic states.

Will you be happy if you own nothing?
Every person could be happy if everyone will own a personal share in everything.
People Are Co-holders of the World!
#TrinityParadigm =
Democracy + Automation + Inclusivism.
#Democracy solves existential problem

The protection from false threats of globalization & population aging, will be provided by the IT platforms of global & national grand co-operatives, in which every citizen of the world or country owns a share:

«E Pluribus Harmonia»
#TrinityParadigm =
Democracy solves existential problems
Automation solves most problems
Inclusivism & #super_co_ops solves problem caused by automation http://proza.ru/2019/07/18/1103  pic.twitter.com/qd8d0XFYPN

#marxism was wrong: capitalism'll not be buried by proletariat, capitalism'll be buried by automation because "WorkForce without Work turns into Force of Revolution", - #GennadyZherebilov
#TrinityParadigm =
+ #automation
+ #Inclusivism

#GennadyZherebilov - practicing philosopher & #rethinker :
Are metaverse & #VR a way of metashifting & VRshifting i.e. artificial exodus from bad reality to better VR or model to Build Back Better?
Let's think
#metashifting #VRshifting

#GennadyZherebilov congrats to
As a brilliant begins to sparkle with new colors when viewed from different angles, so the brilliant idea of #coops takes on new meaning in lights of the coming of #EraRA - Era of #Robotics & #Automation
http://proza.ru/2019/07/18/1103  pic.twitter.com/W7cA4KNjpV

In cases of #Super_Co_Ops  #AllCitizensOwnership
includes #EmployeeOwnership and #EmployeeOwnership
receives salaries plus dividends also as #AllCitizensOwnership

#coops4dev #WorldCoopCongress

#GennadyZherebilov practicing philosopher & #rethinker
The universal principle of harmonious development
«E Pluribus Harmonia» -
"Not hostile competition,
but competitive cooperation".
Super-co-operatives for a decent life":

"The light of Wisdom is ever-burning",
- #GennadyZherebilov practicing philosopher & #rethinker

#TrinityParadigm =
Democracy + Automation + Inclusivism.
#Democracy solves existential problems
#Automation solves most problems
#Inclusivism solves
via #super_co_ops problems caused by automation http://proza.ru/2019/07/18/1103

Notes to #TrinityParadigm !
For example, 20-60 nationwide #Super_Co_Ops are being created in the country: for competition - at least 2 super #coops in each of the main sectors of the country - transport, communications, industry, agroindustry, tourism, etc.

All citizens of the country have personal shares in each of these 20-60 nationwide grand co-operatives.
All citizens're always a winner, even if some of #Super_Co_Ops did not make a profit or went bankrupt. Competition is needed to improve management & capital reflow to winner

This model allows each shareholder to constantly monitor the success of each #Super_Co_Ops via its profits & personal dividends. This model can & should be used for global network of IT-platforms of #Super_Co_Ops for #WellBeing4HumanBeings.
People are the Holders of the World!

A universal solution to the problem of #automation is endowing all citizens w/ lifelong shares in global & nationwide super #coops & all-round development into people-creators.

Wang Yi:
"Democracy isn't Coca-Cola that promises the same taste everywhere".
"Democracy as a fresh water hasn't fixed form & taste.
Only clean fresh water is a life support resource of Humanity. Democracy too."

Happy #Thanksgiving #GennadyZherebilov thanks God & the U.S. for the great discovery of America, which fate gave him in 1972, when he was a cadet on the tall-ship "Tovarisch", which sailed from Odessa to take part in the 175th jubilee of the tall-ship "Constellation" & Baltimore! pic.twitter.com/jUGZDhRvB0

Flood-tide raises from the shallows boats first, then small ships, and finally - super-liners.
Citizens'll receive from reserve funds #basicincome as floor income while low-tide period, i.e. during of low profit period of #Super_Co_Ops

Stop #PrivatizeParadise !
#EraEden will be created on  basis of #HoneycombProperty i.e. personal shares of every human of the world in the
network of IT-platforms of global & nationwide #Super_Co_Ops automatized by #Robotics & #AI

http://proza.ru/2020/02/10/760  pic.twitter.com/tEtvM10b3Y

Not all works're useful activities & lead to a positive result. Humans'll inevitably be replaced by #Robots as a workforce.
Is it a tragedy or happiness for everyone / 99% or for the oligarchs / 1% ?
#TrinityParadigm =
Democracy + Automation + Inclusivism:

Must we pay to
Musk for moonlight if
Musk privatizes the

#TrinityParadigm =
#Democracy solves existential problems
#Automation solves most problems
#Inclusivism solves problems caused by automation
http://proza.ru/2019/07/18/1103  pic.twitter.com/Jkd2XyyIvU

"To be or not to be" - that is the question on which each person answers with the actions.
UBI or not #UBI is not a question:
UBI is birthright, stop negation!

#Democracy http://proza.ru/2019/02/03/794

#GennadyZherebilov: I was a 19-year-old cadet of the Odessa Higher Marine School when visited Tenerife on the sailing ship "Tovarisch" in 1972 on the Odessa - Tenerife - Bermuda - Baltimore - Azores - Barcelona - Odessa voyage. We were on a bus tour: great people, island! pic.twitter.com/eeaDz6AuDf

 "Let the world perish, but as usual bring me a cup of tea" - the phrase in book of #Dostoevsky stress danger of egoism; the phrase: "Am I a trembling creature or have I the rights?" - about Bonapartism of the oligarchs (1%) on the global questions for 99%

Is Etude 2 like on #COP26 ?
In 19th Centure
the delegates of conference on Horse Manure crisis, after fruitless disputes, left in horse-drawn carts, convinced of the onset of a "shitty future".
The solution was car, not a cut of horse feed to reduce a manure.
Etude 2 like on #COP26Glasgow

#GennadyZherebilov practicing philosopher and rethinker to #COP26 :
"Make the World Green Again!".
Vow to the World:
"We Love the World as ourself".
#EraEden #Vow2World #WellBeing4HumanBeings
#TrinityParadigm =
Democracy + #Automation + #inclusivism

The so-called paradox: Could God create a stone so heavy that even He couldn't lift it?
#GennadyZherebilov answers: God is omnipotent & omniscient:
He will not start absurd.
Humans are becoming omnipotent & can start project without knowledge about result: http://proza.ru/2020/02/10/760

The paradox is that the exploiters, ostensibly defending the right of the labor migration, in fact, are protecting their own extra-profits from #Rabotics - the modern slave trade - by violating the rights of migrants to a decent life.
#Robotics V #Rabotics

#GennadyZherebilov practicing philosopher & #rethinker :

"Life isn't file".

"Be designer of your life".

"Be wise to revise main aim of your life".

#QuotesOfThoughts #quote #Wisdom #UBI

#AllinclusiveSociety #TrinityParadigm

#GennadyZherebilov practicing philosopher:

"flip anger into laughter".

#QuotesOfThoughts #quote #Wisdom #quotes

Practicing philosopher #GennadyZherebilov proposes at the 1st #SummitForDemocracy to declare and till the 2nd Summit for Democracy to elect "The Parliamentary Assembly of Democracies" as a kind of analogue of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe #PACE

Neither ultra-liberals nor mossy conservatives, but "traditioneers" (traditions + pioneers) combining the best traditions and sci-tech, will become pioneers in the #inclusive better future.
#Traditionism #Traditioneer

Let's Vow To The World!

#ActNOW #TrinityParadigm
See more:
The All-Inclusive Society and Economy. Library

#EraEden #UBI #coops4dev #SDGs

Practicing philosopher & #rethinker #GennadyZherebilov:

"Become an equal among the first, and then be the first among the equals".

#Wisdom #quote #QuotesOfThoughts

It's needed a scientific & democratic discussion the picture of the world: worldview, state's, social, economic systems, in which hi-tech progress will be used for the benefit of every person (99%), not to increase the wealth & power of the oligarchs (1%) pic.twitter.com/oehpcfyHq6

#Super_Co_Ops (in which  everyone own shares) start #CircularEconomy that aims not only efficient use of energy & raw resources, but also at a nonstop circulation of finance as M;bius strip of supply & demand cycles:

#JEHOVOX to #COP26 Regret, Greta, but we need #GreatUpgrade on base of #TrinityParadigm to save the World. We needn't a jump back into the caves.
Be kind, Humankind!
Let's #Vow2World: "We love the World as ourself".
See more Etude 2 of #CodeOfExodus

We are Yellows, Reds, Blacks, Whites...
We are not lefts and not rights,
we go up to humanity heights.
Far-lefts lead to barracks socialism, far-rights lead to oligarchic capitalism but both lead backwards. #TrinityParadigm leads up

 "The most worth is that what is not for sale", -