The Collapse

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The Black Swan is already on its way to the Western Civilization – and to the whole human civilization. By the end of this year (2021), it will trigger the Terminal Events; the Avalanche; the Wildfire; the Tsunami that will destroy the liberal world – and the whole human civilization - as we know it.

The critical mass has been accumulated. The fundamental deficiencies of the current world order, the errors of the politicians, government officials, managers of business entities, non-profits and other organizations, etc. and preceding black swans (COVID pandemic and others) overloaded the existing system beyond the point of no return.

Making its collapse inevitable. So by the end of this year (2021) the existing global and local government, political, economic, social, and other systems will inevitably collapse. Disintegrate. Fall apart. Cease to exist as we know them.

All these system can function only as long as the critical mass of the population trusts them (i.e. the systems proper and systems managers). The general systems overload and The Black Swan will cause almost instant and practically universal loss of trust in these systems and systems managers.

And when this vital trust is lost, the critical mass of the population will view the existing System (government, political, economic, social, etc.) as not just a threat but an existential threat to them. The existential threat that must be eliminated (and thus the existing system destroyed) ASAP using any and all means available.

In every major city, angry citizens will take to the streets, form gigantic crowds, occupy government buildings, bring down governments at every level – from a tiny village to the European Union – and establish at every level the Government of National Salvation.

The Governments of National Salvation will in a very short time radically reengineer the existing government, political, economic, social and other systems, creating systems that the citizens can and will trust.