Friends 15

Íàäÿ Áèððó
A light cloud came over Vladimir's calm face, as if he had managed to catch the echoes of the thoughts of his silent interlocutor.

- You can't control a person! - Vasily exclaimed suddenly, jumping up from his seat and as though intending to pounce on his friend. - You are not the Lord God!

- Yes, of course! A person shouldn't be controlled! - Vladimir immediately picked up, - but to help does not mean to control. I don't need to make excuses to you in this matter. It is enough for me to show the result of my efforts.

- What?! What have you done to her?!

- You will see... when the time comes.

- And if it takes time...

- Yes, that means it takes time. Got it? Clever boy!

- When? - Vasily asked, and his eyes emitted such a bright photon of light that Vladimir involuntarily opened his mouth in amazement.

- Vasily, I will now tell you what I probably would never have said on a sober head. I love you very much, Vasily, I like to say as a little brother - you are a part of my soul, a part of my life. You occupy an important place in the formation of me as a person, and, finally...

Vladimir really was noticeably drunk. Whether the last portion or an inopportune hour, or long conversations, the cognac had its effect. And now there was a breaking note in his voice.

- And finally? - reminded Vasily with a barely perceptible smile, congratulating himself on the "hardening" he had passed in his youth: he was as fresh as cucumber!

- Ma-ri-na. If even this is a painful topic for us, but today we will finish with it. Of course, one cannot say that you took part in this deliberately, that it was such a gift to a friend... no, but still, if not for you, then, firstly...

- You would not know about her existence.

- Right! And secondly, I would have to conquer her on my own, and that would not be easy task.

- And it is still not known how it would have ended! - Vasily smiled openly.

- And the third: we are connected... I don’t know how to correctly say: a common secret, common participation in a certain event...

- Yes, yes, I already understood: it was a conspiracy! And heavenly punishment awaits you, - at the last words the smile fled from his face, and it became completely serious.

- Now let's talk about heavenly things. What I’ll tell you now, I’ve never told anyone (he told me about it just the day before, well, let’s forgive him for this involuntary trick or slip of the tongue). Even her, keep it in mind. When we all met there, in the meadow, remember?

Vasily only silently closed his eyes as a sign of confirmation.

-… when I saw her for the first time, I suddenly heard a voice inside me - a quiet and clear voice that said: she is your destiny.

Vladimir fell silent. And again they were silent for a long time, each thinking about his own, remembering something, comparing something.

It seemed that the last confession did not make much impression on Vasily. He did not say anything, although for a second intently, with a tenacious and cold gaze, he looked at his friend. Vladimir knew this look: fleeting, quick and sharp, like a knife, - the real look of Vasily when he threw off his mask. From this look, there was always an unpleasant feeling, as if you were undressed. But Vladimir understood something else: one can't lie to such a Reznikov, - he looked to understand whether he was told the truth. And he understood it.

Once again, Vladimir was surprised at how complex a person is. How many different forces are acting in the inner space of the personality, then consolidating, then fighting with each other. What is this strange force that makes this intelligent, talented person constantly play some kind of role? A defense mechanism for an overly vulnerable soul?

- You know, Vasily, I sometimes think that when we all leave from here, all this will not matter: all this jealousy, struggle, “conspiracies ”, rivalry ... There,” - he pointed with his eyes upward, - “everyone loves everyone. We will all be fine.

- Whatsss? No way, dude! - Vasily smiled broadly with his crown jester smile, his eyes glittered cunningly, but at the very bottom of them there was a steely determination. - I also know something about Heavens. How is it said there? In the parable about Lazarus: you, the rich man, were comforted on earth, but Lazarus suffered. And now it's the other way around. And you, - he slowly shook his long, expressive finger, - do not adhere!

 the chapter "Friends" from the novel "From Eternal Point of View"
