твоя Душа закрученною шторой

Дмитрий Саврацкий
твоя Душа
закрученною шторой
устало миру предстоит
шугая его шоры...

10 11 21

ay is different I guess in a better sense
i woked up with difficulties , about 8 -30 but it was sun shining
which always makes my mude better, other than that I drunk two cups of coffe with a journalist so I guess coffe was still actioned on my mind, so in my night dream I shared jockes with someone.:)
this morning water was frosen in some plases . not in lakes and rivers yet
it was minus 5 minus 2, now minus 1 celsiush, and it is almost 10 00 now
journalist shared with me his ideas about purchasing an appartment in order to reseive further profit. I explained him that his thought are related to moon activity, because now is yang moon and mind is constructed this way that having plenty of ideas this period of a moon month...
I went to krishna s centre this morning i  order to start my day right/
I left this plase with psychologist, and we so an Ortho priest Viacheslaw Budanevich on our way. i didn t recognised him immediately because he was in civil cloth. So i knoked my head one more time, and slightly bowed when realised...
such a beginning of a day
now in warm plase in a library.
parrot yesterday was pathed,so i guess he is kind of happy...
greetings to fr John especially and your family and you personally
such long letter to you today:)
hugs one more time
Your s in Christ
Dimitry  p s I am counting days until NY approximately . it 51
I beleive that new Sun cycle will start and I ll feel better emotially
because right now I m living without purpose at all...