Friends 10

Надя Бирру
- You understand everything about upbringing and its goals so well, but don't have children of your own, how is that?

Vladimir was silent for a while before answering.

- You see, Marina can't have children.

- But it could be treated. You yourself understand this better than me!

- Probably... but she doesn't want to. She says: since it happened, it's not without reason. She asked: if there are no children, you will not stop loving me?

Vasily smiled involuntarily. At that moment, he so clearly saw Marina's face - she was all in this question, it was absolutely her phrase.

- And you? What about you?

- Of course, I would like to have a child, I would like to see a creature in which her and my blood would be mixed, her and my essence would intertwine. Well, and the continuation of the family line... But I told her: I love you. If there are children - good, if there is none - I still love you.

- Can't have children... Who would have thought.

- What frightened in hindsight?

Vasily imagined his Pashka, which might not exist... Yes, it could be a serious counter-argument.

Everything in the world has a price, he has learned it, but this seems too much! Would he be willing to pay? However, now that Pashka has been living for the third year in the world, there is nothing to think about...

He involuntarily held his gaze on Vladimir, as if he saw him for the first time. A slender, broad-shouldered man sat in front of hi, in whose powerful physique an equally powerful spirit was guessed. The calm and deep gaze of penetrating dark eyes shone with inner warmth and strength, the rounded dome of a spacious forehead, beautifully framed with dark curls, cut through several wrinkles, indicating that the owner of this forehead devotes a considerable part of his leisure time to serious reflections. The inner nobility and beauty of the soul shone through in every line, in every fleeting gesture.

Yes, it's not for nothing that people were so drawn to this person. Vasily averted his eyes, remembering how he himself once could not live a day without his friend and how much joy their communication gave him, how he yearned for him in Moscow on long winter evenings. And this constant search for entertainment, addiction to drinking and noisy companies was just an attempt to drown out this longing.

Vladimir did not interfere with his thinking. He always had a few ideas ready to ponder, and he used the slightest opportunity to switch to the "parallel line".